When used with an “image only” where I only want the image to display…. how do you remove the grey border completely from the popup.
I’ve managed to get most of the border removed but I can’t get the “horizontal grey line” at the top removed? See example here: https://static.bjrnet.com/temp/GreyLineExample.jpg
On the general options, i didn’t found a way to work only on a plain page.
I can put the sidebar to 0% and the content to 100%, and choose the “full page” option below, I see a grey line on the right of the page, as a frontier beetween content and virtual widget sidebar.
Any idea to remove this grey line ?
Thanks !
]]>I would like to make two small changes to my website that I’m hoping are either already in the settings and I just can’t seem to find them or that a bit of CSS will help with.
Basically I just want to reduce the gap between my heading and the menu and also remove the small grey line.
I’ve screenshot and added notes to my page to show you what I mean. Picture is here:
Thanks everyone!
]]>Can someone help
I haven’t published yet, so I think that you can’t see via the link that I included…
the header photo is here
_______ (line that appears)
Introducing about portfolio contact us
]]>I was wondering if there was css to make this grey line more prominent and bar like so I could drop the nav menu into it.
Thanks for any help,
]]>I am struggling to find the right code to remove that little thin grey line underneath my header image. Does anyone know how to get rid of that?
Also, I find there are many threads for many templates that have incorporated these lines around boxes and images. Is there some sort of “Golden Code” to make all of these lines go away with a single piece of code, no matter what template you use?
First question is the most important, btw.
]]>How do I change it to a lighter grey? An example of the page with the line is raelyntan[dot]com/how-to-write-about-me-page/, right after the introduction of the blogpost.
Thank you so much. Tried looking into css.css but can’t find anything related.
]]>I am new to wordpress and CSS but really want to build my website by myself. I picked customizr theme as it’s simple. My website address: renatamichalowska.com I’ve recently changed to child theme as everyone here is mentioning it but need help with few things:
1. I’d like to get rid of that grey line between the header and main part of my site (i don’t mind the one on the bottom, above the footer). How do i do that?
2. I’d like my contact form to be aligned to left but centred on the page. I tried in the ‘formidable’ settings but it won’t change it. :/
3. I have my name in the header which is an image but i’d like it to be centred horizontally with my menu especially when it goes smaller while scrolling down.
4. When my menu goes to burger menu and i click on it, can it be aligned to the left? Otherwise it pops down as a very loooong menu, unless i can just make it slimmer then aligned to right is fine.
5. In my footer i’d like to have only “· ? 2016 Renata Michalowska ·” but get rid of “Designed by Press Customizr · Powered by ·” so again, how do i do that?
6. I have an image on the home page but i don’t want it to be clicked, made bigger and having the name of that image displayed, is there a way to change that?