Or is it a functionality included in paid version?
Thank you.
First of all very nice plugin. Working like champ.
I have small I issue how ican avoid language drop down from translating. I do not want language select box to translate instead it should remain in original format. Please help me how I can do this
]]>[iframe https://translate.google.com/]
why is that? any way to slove this problem? thanks
]]>like i have this one post that gets mad hits
& it will cache most of the langs but will not cache langs it, zh-CN, zh-TW, pt, de, etc…
i tryed many thing like removing the plugin & re adding it
cleaned out the GT-cache i even tryed to make the file __p=636&lang=de & that did not work.
also on my home page & only my home page
the Global Translator will not Translat 10 langs for my home page all the other langs work fine
but when i try to Translat ?lang=fi i end up loading up the google Translater & then about to load my home page but end up loading my 404 page file not found.
i just dont get it, it will work with other langs.
the debug.log sux does not give me much info so thats a wast of time & HD space