Migration was complete but the new site says “There has been a critical error on this website.”
Is this because it still says the custom nexcess url and not the primary source url?
]]>Q1) Installing WP on and existing Website
I have an existing website and I am wondering if it is a lot harder to install wordpress on an existing website or should I use a wordpress template? What is the difference and how much work is it?
Q2) Can I Edit a WordPress Template in another WYSYWIG editor?
If I use a WordPress template, can I edit it in Golive or Dreamweaver to make it look like I want it to or must I use it pretty much as is?
Q3) Anyone here set up WordPress on a mac who could possible give me a hand?
]]>could the whole problem derive from the fact that I deleted a previous site from GoLive just recently (like 5 min before I installed wordpress)? I deleted everything in the route folder. Could there be some files somewhere else that could interfere with my wordpress installment?
Thanks again for any help!
Thanks in advance for the assistance.
I installed WordPress using my GoDaddy account into a subdirectory I created under my webhosting account. When I attempted to launch the blog, I got the following message:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/*/*/*/nameofdirectoryhere/html/nameofsubdirectoryhere/wp-config.php:2) in /home/content/*/*/*/nameofdirectoryhere/html/nameofsubdirectoryhere/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 361
Obviously, I substituted the identifying information to maintain my privacy but the rest of the error message is verbatim.
Moreover, I followed the instruction for installing this software into a GoDaddy account but I must have missed something and made some other error in installing. As the title of my post suggests, I’m new at WordPress, though I’ve built websites.
Please help me get this straight so I can get my blog up. Thanks.
P.S. I also want to know if I can edit the files in GoLive like I do for my website.
]]>2. When I open the wp-config-sample.php in TextEdit, am I only changing the un and pw? Do I need to do anything else with this?
3. When I access my url through my hosting company, several folders are already there. These are titled backup, cgi-bin, and htdocs. Where do I upload the files? Do I need to make a new folder?
I’m assuming that once this is successfully upload that I’ll just have a basic blog template. Is that correct?
]]>I actually started out programming personal computers in machine code long before PC-DOS, and only then moved up to A86 assembler. But I have stayed with PCs and my knowledge of Linux/Unix extends to being able to type a€?lsa€? and thata€s about it.
I have some websites I hardcoded in HTML using a programming editor years ago, and maintained using FrontPage (yech) and finally decided that it was time to upgrade these old, creaky sites using modern tools. Got a hosting company (Bluehost) to set up some accounts for me, started learning a new HTML editor (picked Adobe GoLive CS2 as I want to be able to have liquid CSS layouts for the pages on my sites, and because I use Photoshop and Illustrator a lot). Decided that I needed two other big chunks of software for what I want to do: BLOG software and Wiki software.
After doing some research, decided WordPress was clearly where I wanted to be with BLOG software (doubt there will be much disagreement here). And, for Wikia€??although Bluehost offers Fantastico scripts for installing phpWiki and TikiWiki, I thought that, since my sites reference piles of Wikipedia pages, that I should go with MediaWiki even though Ia€ll have to dust off TeraTerm and actually type in some Linux commands.
I have one specific question: I used the Fantastico script to install WordPress in the root of a couple of my new, blank sitesa€??not realizing that this basically defaults to making WordPressa€s BLOG the entire site. I was thinking I wanted to hand-code (well, code in GoLive) the look and feel for the sites, and then use WordPress just for some of the content management. So, the question is, should I deinstall WordPress and then reinstall in a subdirectory?
BTW, I did look at https://www.jonathanwold.com/tutorials/wordpress_integration/ which answers many of my questions about integrating GoLive CS2 liquid CSS layouts with WordPress (though I suspect there be some hacking and flailing as I try to do thisa€|)
And on a more general note, anyone got any suggestions about what Ia€m trying to do? Sound workable? Stupid? Any better suggestions?
Thanks very much.
P.S. Once I understand what Ia€m doing better (? 12 months) I may be able to contribute something useful to this column. (If you want to sync Pegasus email between a laptop and desktop, or switch the Control, Alt and CapsLock keys, please see my website at www.pitt.edu/~kconover, thata€
s all Ia€
ve got to contribute right now.)
How do I edit the html page (which I cannnot find) in a standard editor or is everything done with PHP and CSS? If so how does one build or edit an existing page?
My new blog – day 1 , https://www.xtremerecruiting.org/wordpress
]]>I realise it requires a php server on the machine, and I’ve got Zendstudio, I’m just not sure how to get them to work together so the preview button in golive would actually work