Currently, it says “going” with a checkmark before the user even clicks to say they are going to go.
I would like to change this text to help users since I am not going to use the “tell us if you’re not going option.”
Thank you in advance for any help.
]]>Your guide:
]]>Any help with this would be appreciated.
. After pressing the “update file” button, my screen went to Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home3/odyssez8/public_html/wp-content/themes/snapwire/inc/script-init.php on line 289
. Now, my website will not load and I am not able to get into the dashboard either. I am on the verge of a meltdown right now, and would appreciate any and all help. My website is
]]>If you click on the below link you can see that post text goes right off the page into eternity….What the heck!?
Any idears why it does that?
Except I have put everything in and now for some reason the left side bar with the links and calendar has for some reason gone to the bottom of all my images. It seems okay IE but in firefox it keeps happening.
My blog address is
The CSS style sheet is
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I don’t know much about CSS so not sure how to fix this.
]]>4. i click on update then view site but my logo is not there.
HELP me please…
When I MINIMIZE the screen it makes my sidebars move into the middle… UGH! Can anyone tell me why this might be happening or see the code I have altered in a way that would have done this?
I have not ever minimized this page until just now so who knows when this may have started!
Please help. If you can view my source code at and let me know.