I got this errors in console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘innerHTML’ of null
at whitelistSetHTML (whitelist.js:113)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (whitelist.js:202)
whitelistSetHTML @ whitelist.js:113
This is the line: document.getElementById(‘whitelist_div’).innerHTML = s;
(anonimo) @ whitelist.js:202
whitelist.js:200 [Violazione] ‘DOMContentLoaded’ handler took 388318ms
page.js:275 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addEventListener’ of null
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (page.js:275)
This is the line: document.getElementById(‘change_operation_mode’).addEventListener(‘change’, function() {
]]>Chrome console shows loads of Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of null
errors and point to this line of code injected by the Lazy FB Comment plugin:
var rect = document.getElementById('lfc_comments').getBoundingClientRect();
Does anyone have any idea on how to get around this?
Some debug data:
box_width :
comments_count : 10
order_by : social
color_scheme : light
comments_lang : en_AU
load_on : scroll
div_class : comments-area
button_text : Load Comments
sdk_loaded : 1
WordPress Version : 4.9.8
PHP Version : 5.6.38
Plugin Version : 2.0.3
Would really appreciate some help!
]]>I’m using this Theme.
I embedded a video in that top edge-to-edge headerbox. The video is on autostart and now I want to add a custom mute button for it. So since I’m far from being a JS-genius, I got myself some code from the web and created a plugin, which looks like this:
Plugin Name: LaLi Mute Button
Plugin URI:
Description: Adds a mute button to the main page
Version: 1.1
Author: Treppenmanni
Author URI:
function lali_mute_button() {
wp_register_script( 'lali_mutebutton', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/mutebutton.js">', '', null,'' );
if ( is_front_page() ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'lali_mutebutton' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'lali_mute_button' );
The JS-file:
// Connecting vars
window.onload = function() {
// Video
var video = document.getElementById("video");
// Buttons
var mutebutton = document.getElementById("mute");
// Event listener for the mute button
mutebutton.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (video.muted == false) {
// Mute the video
video.muted = true;
// Update the button text
muteButton.innerHTML = "Unmute";
} else {
// Unmute the video
video.muted = false;
// Update the button text
mutebutton.innerHTML = "Mute";
HTML on the Main site:
<div id="video-container">
<!-- Video -->
<video name "reel" id="video" width="100%">
<source src="video/Showreel.iphone.mp4" type="video/mp4; codecs=avc1.42E01E,mp4a.40.2">
<source src="video/Showreel.webmsd.webm" type="video/webm; codecs=vp8,vorbis">
<source src="video/Showreel.oggtheora.ogv" type="video/ogg; codecs=theora,vorbis">
<!-- Video Controls -->
<div id="video-controls">
<button type="button" id="mute">Mute</button>
Before that, I stumbled over this register-enqueue-thing and managed to get it running (took it’s time). The Plugin loads the script, the getElementByIds give back the correct values, but the button does nothing. Firebug gives me an error message: ReferenceError: mutebutton is not defined. Seems as if the value of the variable instantly gets forgotten after defining. Appreciate the help.
]]>I have a dynamichidden field in my form that contained a particular URL. What I wanted to do was redirect the user to that URL once they hit the submit button. Normally you would use this JavaScript in the “Additional Settings” section of the contact form:
on_sent_ok: "location = 'https://example.com/';"
But I needed to redirect to a variable URL based on the value of one of the fields on the page. What I ended up using was this, where the ID of the element was “variable-url”:
on_sent_ok: "var url = document.getElementById('variable-url').value; location = url;"
]]>I am using the Dynamic Text Extension plugin for Contact Form 7.
On my original form (https://www.akindvoice.org/questionnaire/) I created the following field
[dynamictext hope id:hope]
Then in the Additional Settings section I added the following code:
on_sent_ok: “location.replace (‘https://my.timedriver.com/Y5KXC?firstname=document.getElementById(‘hope’).value ‘)”
The “hope” was the code would transfer the info to the location it was sent to, however when I click submit, nothing is happening.
This code below works fine, but is not what I need.
on_sent_ok: “location.replace (‘https://my.timedriver.com/Y5KXC?firstname=David ‘)”
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>For example, when you select Coconuts from the dropdown list and click on Load Content, you should see the word “Coconuts” in the textarea. Instead, nothing happens when i click on the “Load Content: button. BTW, the “Load Content” button is an input button type. See code further on down.
I thought this would be a simple Javascript implementation. However, it is not working for widgets. On my options page however, I use the same code and it works fine on my options page. The only difference is the way you save data. On the options page, I use options to save data. On the widget, I use an instance variable with appropriate fields.
It’s the Javascript’s getElementById I am having an issue with. Here is my code:
class My_Plugin extends WP_Widget
* Function Name: My_Plugin
* Description: This is a PHP 4 Compatible constructor. Calls the PHP 5
* constructor.
* Input Parameters: None
* Output Parameters: None
* Return: Nothing
* Assumptions: None
* Functions: __construct() – PHP 5 constructor
function My_Plugin()
} //end My_Plugin
* Function Name: __construct()
* Description: This is a PHP 5 constructor. This function initializes the
* My_Plugin widget and adds the initialized widget on the
* main Widget Dashboard.
* Input Parameters: None
* Output Parameters: None
* Return: Nothing
* Assumptions: None
* Functions: None
function __construct()
$description = “Pick your favorite fruit from the dropdown list, and watch the My Plugin widget load your favorite fruit’s content within the textarea.”;
$myp_widget_ops = array(‘classname’=>’My_Plugin’, ‘description’=>__($description, ‘myp-plugin’));
$this->WP_Widget(‘My_Plugin’, ‘My Plugin’, $myp_widget_ops);
} //end __construct()
* Function Name: form()
* Description: This function displays the widget form in the sidebar of the
* Widget Dashboard.
* Input Parameters: $instance – the instance of My_Plugin
* Output Parameters: None
* Return: Nothing
* Assumptions: None
* Functions: None
function form($instance)
$title = esc_attr(strip_tags($instance[‘myp-title’]));
$mypfavoritefruit = $instance[‘myp-favorite-fruit’];
$content = $instance[‘myp-content’];
case “Papayas”: $papayas=”selected”; break;
case “Cantaloupes”: $cantaloupes=”selected”; break;
case “Honeydew Melons”: $honeydewmelons=”selected”; break;
case “Watermelons”: $watermelons=”selected”; break;
case “Mangos”: $mangos=”selected”; break;
case “Pineapples”: $pineapples=”selected”; break;
case “Coconuts”: $coconuts=”selected”; break;
case “None”:
default: $none = “selected”; break;
<p>Title: <input type=”text” class=”widefat” name=”<?php echo $this->get_field_name(‘myp-title’); ?>” id=”myp-title” value=”<?php echo $title; ?>” /></p>
<p><select name=”<?php echo $this->get_field_name(‘myp-favorite-fruit’); ?>” id=”myp-favorite-fruit” onclick=”javascript:fruit=this.value;”>
<option <?php echo $papayas; ?> value=”Papayas”>Papayas</option>
<option <?php echo $cantaloupes; ?> value=”Cantaloupes”>Cantaloupes</option>
<option <?php echo $honeydewmelons; ?> value=”Honeydew Melons”>Honeydew Melons</option>
<option <?php echo $watermelons; ?> value=”Watermelons”>Watermelons</option>
<option <?php echo $mangos; ?> value=”Mangos”>Mangos</option>
<option <?php echo $pineapples; ?> value=”Pineapples”>Pineapples</option>
<option <?php echo $coconuts; ?> value=”Coconuts”>Coconuts</option>
<option <?php echo $none; ?> value=”None”>None</option>
<input type=”button” value=”Load Content” onclick=”javascript:myp_load_fruit(fruit);”/></p>
<p>Content: <textarea rows=”15″ cols=”40″ class=”widefat” name=”<?php echo $this->get_field_name(‘myp-content’); ?>” id=”mypcontent”><?php echo $content; ?></textarea></p>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function myp_load_fruit(favoritefruit)
// document.write(“You selected ” + favoritefruit + “
document.getElementById(‘mypcontent’).value = favoritefruit;
} //end form()
* Function Name: update()
* Description: This function updates the widget data. $old_instance =
* $new_instance.
* Input Parameters: $old_instance is assigned $new_instance
* Output Parameters: None
* Return: Nothing
* Assumptions: None
* Functions: None
function update($new_instance, $old_instance)
$instance[‘myp-title’] = esc_attr(strip_tags($new_instance[‘myp-title’]));
$instance[‘myp-content’] = $new_instance[‘myp-content’];
$instance[‘myp-favorite-fruit’] = $new_instance[‘myp-favorite-fruit’];
return $instance;
} //end update()
* Function Name: widget()
* Description: This function displays the My_Plugin widget on the sidebar
* on the frontend.
* Input Parameters: $args –
* $instance –
* Output Parameters: None
* Return: Nothing
* Assumptions: None
* Functions: None
function widget($args, $instance)
$mypcontent = $instance[‘myp-content’];
//use the before widget html string
echo $before_widget;
//output the title with before & after title html strings
echo $before_title.$instance[‘myp-title’].$after_title;
//display content in textarea
echo $instance[‘myp-content’];
//use the after widget html string
echo $after_widget;
} //end widget
} //end class My_Plugin
I hope someone can help as I have been pulling my hair out the whole week over this thorny issue. Please help. Thank you. I would appreciate it very much.
]]>The page is password protected, and I need the product to programmatically log in.
My code:
‘Enter password to gain access.
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById(“pwbox-107”).SetAttribute(“value”, “MySecretPassword”)
Problem is, “MySecretPassword” does not get inserted into the password box. Why? This same code worked on my asp.net website. I’m guessing this problem is related to it being Linux instead of Windows.
Does anyone have a solution to this? Will I have further problems reading strings on my special page using VB code?
]]>On Line 4, Character 2 you get the following error:
‘document.getElementByID(…)’ is null or not a null object.
]]>does it have bussiness with some plusin?
who can help me ?
]]>Adding “id” attributes would allow for javascript retrieval of these fields with “getElementById” instead of the less-reliable “getElementByName”.