Looks like this:
“Sehr geehrte{r} {title} {last_name},”
And leads to lots of fun with e-mails that now read like:
“Sehr geehrte{r} Herr Testuser” – notice the curly brackets? yay!
A quick fix is replacing the content of the “Anrede” field in the WC Germanized E-mail settings ( WooCommerce > Settings > Germanized > E-Mail) with the correct form, ie. regular brackets.
]]>Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jchfcmm7asuo9he/Bildschirmfoto%202017-09-07%20um%2013.39.42.png?dl=0
]]>To anyone using either:
AND one of the “formal” language variants such as
There is an unfixed bug in WordPress versions 4.3.x and 4.4.x, which in combination with any of the above “formal” language variants leads to an invalid HTML language attribute in your HTML markup, such as <html lang="de-DE-formal">
instead of <html lang="de-DE">
Since this is not ISO compliant, applications (browsers and especially screen-readers) will not know what language is actually being used. This in turn may lead to unexpected and unpleasant consequences for your visitors.
This has been fixed in WordPress 4.5
by adding the string html_lang_attribute
to all WordPress language files, which is then being used to populate the HTML language attribute.
However, since there are those who cannot install WordPress 4.5 yet (in which case you might want to have a look at WP Downgrade), I asked Bernhard Kau if he could think of a solution to this. Within an hour (!) he came up with Language Attribute Variant Fix, which truncates the language attribute to make it ISO-compliant.
I packaged the new plugin as language-attribute-variant-fix.zip, so that it can be easily uploaded and installed manually.
]]>great plugin, works really nice!
As I changed lots of my clients websites to German formal language (de_DE_formal), it would be great to have the option to create translations for German formal in Loco Trans as well.
Could you please add an option for de_DE_formal on the “New PO file”-/”Initialize new translations”-page? At the moment only regular PO file format xx_XX is supported.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Ist es m?glich, dass du eine weitere, identische Flagge mit dem Plugin auslieferst, die diesen Dateinamen (de_DE_formal.png) hat?
Das w?re klasse!
Viele Grü?e gen Süden,
PS: Ich liiiiebe dein Plugin