The website I’m working on has these settings :
– automatic preload : yes
– preload interval: 60 seconds (a server cron is calling wp-cron.php every 60 seconds)
– pages by interval: 10
– sitemap : provided by yoast
– Compatibility mode : activated
– Garbage collection interval: 600 seconds
When cached pages are unvalidated, they get the _old prefix as expected.
But it seems like the garbage collection never works.
I saw this kind of cached page being created :
- page
- 0 (directory) <==== This seems to me abnormal
- _index_ssl.html_gzip_old
- _index_ssl.html_old
The proprietary / group of the cache directory is www-data:www-data
Permissions for all its subdirectories are 755
, all sub files 644
I deleted by hand the contents of page_enhanced, now disk space is free again, but it is still getting filled slowly but surely.
It is not the first time that I am facing this issue, and I see other people have reported it (, ), and all the answers I found were workarounds but deceivingly no real solution.
I’m a developer so I can understand low level compatibility issues.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Information about the sitemap (yoast):
– 602 posts
– 191 pages
– 134 products
– 16 events
– 6 categories
– 19 product categories
– 4 events categories
Which is less than a thousand urls in the cache, which should take maximum 1GO memory if each page weighed 1MO.
At one point I had 58 GO in the directory.
Thanks a lot for your help
]]>I want to ask, how to totally turn off the automatic cache clearing (garbage collection) feature when we create a new post/page. I prefer to clear cache manually.
Please help me to configure it
]]>I’ve installed WP Super Cache on my website under construction.
Cache delivery method: simple
Cache timeout: 150 sec
Garbage collection: 150 sec
The website being under construction, its access is protected by a password through the .htaccess.
Caching is done, but not the garbage collection. Once they are older than 150 sec, the pages remains in “Stale Full Cache Files” in Contents.
The only way to empty the cache is by doing it manually. It is also working when I update a page. But the timer seems to have no effect.
I use exactly the same settings of WP Super Cache on another website, hosted by the same hoster (OVH), and there is no issue on this one.
Do you have any clue? May it be due to the password needed to access the website?
Thank you for your help!
]]>Our setup:
WordPress 4.9.9 multisite
nginx 1.8
php 7.0
Plugin settings:
cache timeout 1800 seconds
garbage collection set to timer on 600 seconds
preloading disabled
mode = simple
cache rebuild = yes
304 not modified = yes
extra homepage checks = yes
I see the crons wp_cache_gc and wp_cache_gc_watcher scheduling and queuing up using the Advanced Cron Manager plugin, however the number of expired pages never seems to decrease. However, when I manually execute the wp_cache_gc cron, the plugin seems to garbage collect correctly, though not 100% cleanly (folders will remain, but they are empty). Any ideas of things I should try? This is a large site (25k posts) that is fairly busy so I don’t want items stacking up and not deleting. Happy to provide logs/additional info.
]]>I’m having issues with GC not deleting expired cache files. My settings (for testing purposes) are for cache to expire every 10 minutes:
The GC runs, I get the notification mails every ~10 mins:
but mails say it’s nothing to delete, 0 files.
But I clearly have many older files, eg: which is created at 11:09, should have expired at 11:19, and GC ran over 10 times since. And I keep visiting that page, still see the old cached file.
Any ideas of what to check/debug/do?
]]>I need to understand something about preload feature on wpsupercache plugin.
I activated “Clear all cache files when a post or page is published or updated”, then I set preload every 24 hours. I am not sure how will this work together. Is preload unaffected by the first one?
I dont understand what this mean either “Preload mode (garbage collection disabled. Recommended.)”
Thanks in advance for your help
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/jpg “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/gif “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/png “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType text/css “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/html “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/pdf “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/x-javascript “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access 1 year”
ExpiresDefault “access 1 month”
GtMetrix Result
Leverage browser caching score is 64 (10 minutes) (30 minutes) (30 minutes) (2 hours) (4 hours) (4 hours) (4 hours) (4 hours)×300.jpg (4 hours)
My WordPress site is largely static, so I switch off garbage collection in WP Super Cache. The only time it rebuilds a cached file is after a comment has been left (rare). It was working very well in that way until the last couple of versions. Some of my cached files were very old (weeks old), but as they hadn’t changed, that was fine, and the site was very fast.
Now, however, and with just the same settings, I notice that WPSC is deleting all cached files after only a few hours. In response, I wrote a script to download every page on the site from another server every day, in order to force a cache pre-build. (I don’t use the WPSC native preloading feature). It works but WPSC is still deleting the cache fast. This script runs every 6 hours now, but even then, every time it runs, about a third of the pages are not in the cache and have to be rebuilt. Static pages that have not changes in years, in some cases.
Any ideas ? I see loads of “delete” and “forced delete” messages in the debug log.
Jim. Site is at