I’m using a theme that divides post categories in 2 types: “Gallery” or “Blog”. I have about 5 categories that belong to the type “Gallery” and 2 that belong to the type “Blog”. Through a loop in the category.php file, all posts associated to a Gallery-category work and look a certain way (like a photo gallery, see: https://www.alegruzza.com/category/dolomitic-environment/), while all the posts associated to a Blog-category work and look a different way (like a blog listing, see https://www.alegruzza.com/category/news/).
This works just fine. The problem is that both types of post categories will display the same number of posts, i.e. the number (60) I’ve set in the Reading Settings (Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most..), while I need to specify a different, smaller number (e.g. 5) for the posts belonging to the Blog categories.
Here is the code of the category.php page: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/dcf5b429611ad4f4da16
Any help is much appreciated!
I have been searching high and low for a plugin that will do one simple thing:
Display a WordPress Gallery with one image larger and a row of thumbnails below the large image. When you click the thumbnail, the large image above changes.
There is a plugin called PhotoSpace that does this, but it does it not so elegantly:
It doesn’t have a height setting that works correctly to letterbox the images. So, it’s almost there but not quite.
This plugin by Code Canyon is very elegant:
But, it doesn’t work with the default WordPress Media Galleries, and therefore requires a LOT of work to add images to a gallery.
Your plugin is sooooo close. It’s elegant, and you have good options, but not the ability to have a Gallerific display (thumbnail/large image display). Do you think you might add this functionality in the future?
I’ve done a little search on plug-ins and couldn’t find something where I would be able to upload a photo, crop the image into a separate thumbnail image, and display on a WP page.
Any help?
]]>I recently installed this theme called GALLERIFIC. Found on this website https://themeforest.scheetzdesigns.com/gallerific
After installation, I can not seem to make the same thing work. Like the one on the sample page. I can run the slideshow on top, the images on the center and Flickr.
Has anybody been using this theme? What did I miss?
thank you
]]>I’m fairly new to wordpress and to web design in general. I run a site (www.squarelifelive.com) that posts information on a particular music artists’ live music. Typically I have 20 + pictures on each post from the concerts and I can see it becoming a hassle for my viewers to have to scroll/click each one to view them. So I want to insert gallerific into each post so all the photos can be more easily viewed. Question is, how? And how do I have gallerific automatically generate the photos from the photos I’ve already uploaded to my server?
Thank you for all your help.