I am 1/2 of a comedy duo called BangBoomCrash based out of York, Pennsylvania. Was hoping to get some reviews on the website. We have built a small fan base, but always trying to attract more fans. As I have developed the site using WordPress, I figured the WordPress community could offer their 2 cents.
We post original, self-produced comedy sketches and post a weekly blog post. We plan to start a podcast soon (titled “BangBoomCrashCast”) and I hope to start making some animated skits (titled “BangBoomCrashBOING”). We’ve been doing this for 3 years now and love doing it. Any advice, reviews or criticisms are appreciated. Thanks in advance and have a good one.
Stefan Hartman from BangBoomCrash.com
]]>my site is www.funnyhai.com
]]>Goto: https://funny-commercials.tv/
Got everything working but could not install or find any plugin that would automatically generate a thumbnail from the videos so had to put the full videos on the homepage.
Anyone know of a plugin that can generate a static thumbnail from say youtube videos – one that does not require making a thumb first?
This theme generates thumbs but they are actually mini videos that play in a mini window (not shown on site as I took it out). I just want a plugin that makes a static thumb on the home page and then when clicked goes to the post page.
Any info appreciated.