Thank you,
How can I do that?
Also how to edit styles of tab/#tab-content ?
]]>I was wondering wether it is possible to have one name field only?
So it would be a full name field instead of first name en last name separate.
For both billing, shipping and preferably account information as well.
I found ways to hide the fields, but then I get an error message when I want to edit information as a client on the account page.
Best regards,
I currently using WordPress 5.6 and WooCommerce Plugin to setup my Online Store. As far as i know, WordPress and WooCommerce is using ‘First name’ and ‘Last name’ format form for user registration. Is there any way I can customized it to use only 1 form which is only “Full name” form? Also, I want to add required form field to the checkout and woocommerce system, how can I do that?
]]>Full name = ‘Firstmame Lastname’
Slug = “lastname-firstname”
How can I order the a-z listing to order by slug and display by full name ?
[a-z-listing display=”terms” taxonomy=”product_cat” parent-term=”34″ terms=”term-slug” orderby=”slug”]
doesn’t work.
We don’t want to have two fields the first and last name on the form, so we just using one field called Name to collect the full name and mapped to the first name in Salesforce.
The problem is when a lead submitted to Salesforce, the full name is showing in the first name field (as expected) and the last name field is always blank. Is there any way to work around, so the entered name field on the web form will split out correctly in Salesforce side as the first name and last name.