My homepage contains of different sections (WP Block Cover). Every section is set to 100vw and 100vh so it fills the whole screen. I want an interactive image to fill the whole section (on every device). I tried everything with css but I can’t make it work. Do you have any idea how to achieve this?
The current status is: The image fills the whole width but not the whole height. I could change that with a different image size but on a different screen it would then result in a second scroll bar.
I also researched about a way to get the shortcode as a header-image but I didn’t find a solution for that either.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
congratulations on your plugin, it’s fantastic!
I have a small problem that I understand can be solved.
On my page I use your plugin to display popups by clicking on the button with the letter “‘i” next to “OBTENER AHORA”. It happens that when the popup window is smaller than the browser window the result is correct but when the popup window is bigger than the browser window and it should show me the vertical scroll and let me navigate but what happens is that it is shown as intermittently. Inspecting the code I can see that the full-height class continually appears and disappears from the container and I think this is the problem, maybe is it a bug?
Could you help me fix it?
]]>The problems I’m seeing with the editor in this classic editor mode:
1) When I enable scrollbar in your “more…” settings, there is no scrollbar whatsoever in the editor viewing window — this is true in both Chrome and Firefox. (I did see the scrollbar before during that horrible period when I was trying to use the html editor while Gutenberg was active — ie, when I was not using Classic Editor plugin).
2) When I update the page, the scroll position of the editing window no longer returns me to the last cursor location in Chrome (it does correctly return to the prior position in Firefox howoever)– I believe this used to work in WP 4.x — the lack of this is very inconvenient in long pages when you want to check results of editing incrementally.
3) Not sure if this is plugin or WP behavior, but when I scroll the main page to get back up to see the “update” button, the editor window also scrolls at the same time, which is annoying as I lose my place in the edit window… Same occurs in reverse: When I scroll in the edit window, the WP page sidebar content scrolls as well… Seems that the srolling of the editor window should be completely independent from that of the main page (this is when I’m in page edit, I assume it’s same in post edit).
4) There is no vertical re-size handle visible in the lower right corner of the editing window like there was when before I started using the Classic Editor plugin — maybe this is WP related and not under the control of your plugin — not sure.
Thanks for any help / insights.
My php code for the shortcode is:
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[slick-carousel-slider slidestoshow=”1″ design=”design-6″ centermode=”true” variablewidth=”true” ]’); ?>
Can somebody tell me if there is something I can do to make this slider full height? I know the slider presets to 500px tall, but I want to cover the browser window. Is this a feature only available in the Pro version? Or can I edit the cs to achieve this on my link above? Any help appreciated..
The page I need help with:
My php code for the shortcode is:
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[slick-carousel-slider slidestoshow=”1″ design=”design-6″ centermode=”true” variablewidth=”true” ]’); ?>
Can somebody tell me if there is something I can do to make this slider full height? I know the slider presets to 500px tall, but I want to cover the browser window. Is this a feature only available in the Pro version? Or can I edit the cs to achieve this on my link above? Any help appreciated..
]]>If I add .pdfemb-pagescontainer {height:100% !important;} to my theme’s css file the container then becomes entire height of the pdf document as in all pages appear at the same time. the only issue is, only the first 4 pages seem to actually load. How can I get all pages to load?
If I can do that then I can use the browsers print function to be able to print the document while keeping the awesome watermark security your plugin has added.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
I change the sidebar to the right which is working but also, I need it to be the full height of the screen. This is the CSS I used to move it to the right.
.sidebar {
float: right;
margin-right: 0px;
max-width: 413px;
position: relative !important;
width: 23%;
background-color: #fff;
In order for it to go the full height I need to add the following CSS.
height: 100vh;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
But in order for those CSS codes to work, I need to change the position from relative to fixed. However, when I do that the sidebar reverts back to the left and then is hidden behind the site content. This is where I am stuck and can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. So your help is much appreciated.