[10-Jul-2020 13:03:35] WARNING: ftp_nb_fput(): /public_html/wp-content/fajlovi/2020-07-10_11-36-18_UYDLLWHC01.zip: Append/Restart not permitted, try again
[10-Jul-2020 13:03:35] ERROR: Cannot transfer backup to FTP server!
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
]]>I upgraded to High Sierra on Mac. But there is no ftp server any more. I fired this server up with
sudo -s launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ftp.plist
in my shell to update my local WordPress. I entered my user name and localhost and my password. Now I installed with homebrew an alternative ftp server: pure-ftpd I am starting this ftp server with or without sudo
pure-ftpd &
But the ftp server is not running ???
Any help – it is not really WordPress specific, more MacOS, but I don’t know, where else I could ask for help.
Thank you in advance
]]>I’d like to create a local ftp server on my computer. I’ve never done this before. Do I simply download filezilla and install so I can transfer wordpress installation files to my computer. Any advice welcome. I guess it will be a static IP as I will only be using my desktop. Any recommendations or tips please?
]]>BEFORE I figure out that connection…do I even need it?
Must I have FTP access to work with WP on a local install?
Thank you
]]>Question: Do I need my own FTP server?
Thank you
]]>My blog at visaulcultureblog.com was infected by malware about 6 weeks ago. I was running version 4.3.1 and I was able to find the infected pages, find the malware code on these pages and re-upload a clean version of these pages using FTP. This worked seemingly quite well. To avoid future complications I deleted all plugins (except for Akismet which I reinstalled as a new version) and installed WordFence which scans the site for malware.
A week ago Wordfence alerted me to yet more malware and I proceeded to delete files which have been infected. In total I deleted probably two or three files and in retrospect I should have proceeded with more care because I did not make a note which files I deleted but WordFence indicated that these files are not crucial to the infrastructure of the blog. While doing this I also downloaded the newest version of WP 4.4. Once I was done activating 4.4 things went pretty bad. I had no more access to visaulcultureblog.com and I could no longer access the /wp-admin page. I was shut out from the blog from all angles.
Luckily I downloaded a clean version of the blog(I think) just after I fixed all issues six weeks ago. I then did something which I am not sure any more was a smart thing to do: I uploaded the clean version onto the server using FTP, and overwriting old files. This had no effect whatsoever and I am still locked out of the blog.
From reading these forums I am aware that the wp-content folder (which I have on my hard drive) is very important. Though the thing that makes me quite nervous is that I cannot find my blog posts in this folder. I can find photos and other material related to the blog posts, but not the written post itself.
Can anyone on here help me with this issue? I am starting to get quite nervous and I don’t really know how to proceed.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
]]>Also when I was updating the files to ftp server I was told some files may be at a different location. Can someone please help. All I want to ultimately do is get into my administrative page in WordPress so I can uninstall. I am currently unable to do anything like posts or customize, uninstall…. because WordPress takes me to that white page with the error and doesn’t’ allow me to enter.
]]>I have previously purchased a domain name from Go Daddy and hosted my server on Hostgator and using WordPress dashboard.
However, currently my domain name has been cancelled and I would like to transfer the content back to a domainname.wordpress.com. I have tried looking through the forum but I am still unsure how to transfer the content hosted on Hostgator server to WordPress and if it is possible?
I understand that I could get a full or partial backup from Hostgator. But which Backup destination it should be? Home Directory, FTP Server, FTP Server (Passive mode transfer), Secure copy (SCP). And from there how do I import the content into wordpress?
]]>I had my ip address there, but I think something else goes there. Can you advise please?
it created archives fine – it just could not connect to my FTP (Filezilla)
]]>I have to do everything manually via FTP client, but it is very time consuming. Why is it that I keep getting the error, “Failed to connect to FTP Server” ? I know 100% I am typing my information in right, but it still is not working..
I have seen this issue in the past, but no help. If it’s any help, I am hosting my site off of an un-managed linux VPS (meaning I have installed everything myself, from php to wordpress, all manually), so maybe there is something I have to edit myself? Thanks for any help.