The “Appearance > Customize” is stuck (even if I wait for a long time).
]]>This is WP version 6.4.3 using PHP 8.2.
I deactivated every plugin except for Spectra, and switched to the Twenty Twenty Four theme. The problem continued.
Then I rolled back to the last version that had been installed on the site, 2.5.1, and it started working again. I reactivated the other plugins and went back to the right theme and it still works.
Somewhere between 2.5.1 and 2.12.2 something has gone horribly wrong.
This is on a local development server so I do not have a URL to share.
Please advise, thank you.
]]>On the upload CSV file tabe:
When I select the file – NOTHING else happens – it doesn’t appear to upload in any way, it doesn’t progress to the column mapping tab, and it doesn’t give any error message.
It just… nothings.
screen image:
I’d appreciate some help / suggestions as to how to fix this please.
### WordPress Environment ###
WordPress address (URL):
Site address (URL):
WC Version: 7.9.0
REST API Version: ✔ 7.9.0
WC Blocks Version: ✔ 10.4.6
Action Scheduler Version: ✔ 3.6.1
Log Directory Writable: ✔
WP Version: 6.2.2
WP Multisite: –
WP Memory Limit: 256 MB
WP Debug Mode: –
WP Cron: ✔
Language: en_AU
External object cache: –
### Server Environment ###
Server Info: LiteSpeed
PHP Version: 8.0.29
PHP Post Max Size: 128 MB
PHP Time Limit: 300
PHP Max Input Vars: 3000
cURL Version: 7.87.0
SUHOSIN Installed: –
MySQL Version: 10.6.14-MariaDB
Max Upload Size: 128 MB
Default Timezone is UTC: ✔
fsockopen/cURL: ✔
SoapClient: ❌ Your server does not have the SoapClient class enabled - some gateway plugins which use SOAP may not work as expected.
DOMDocument: ✔
GZip: ✔
Multibyte String: ❌ Your server does not support the mbstring functions - this is required for better character encoding. Some fallbacks will be used instead for it.
Remote Post: ✔
Remote Get: ✔
### Database ###
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### Security ###
Secure connection (HTTPS): ✔
Hide errors from visitors: ✔
### Active Plugins (7) ###
3D FlipBook : Dflip Lite: by DearHive – 1.7.35
eCommerce Product Catalog for WordPress: by impleCode – 3.3.18
LiteSpeed Cache: by LiteSpeed Technologies – 5.5.1
Product Enquiry for WooCommerce: by WisdmLabs – 3.1.6
Really Simple SSL: by Really Simple Plugins – 7.0.7
Rank Math SEO: by Rank Math – 1.0.120
WooCommerce: by Automattic – 7.9.0
### Inactive Plugins (3) ###
Duplicate Page: by mndpsingh287 – 4.5.2
Mailer Dragon: by impleCode – 1.1.2
Reviews Plus - Google compatible WordPress Reviews for any content: by impleCode – 1.3.3
### Dropin Plugins (1) ###
maintenance.php: maintenance.php
### Settings ###
API Enabled: –
Force SSL: –
Currency: AUD ($)
Currency Position: left
Thousand Separator: ,
Decimal Separator: .
Number of Decimals: 2
Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
grouped (grouped)
simple (simple)
variable (variable)
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exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
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Connected to –
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HPOS data sync enabled: –
### WC Pages ###
Shop base: ❌ Page not set
Cart: ❌ Page not set
Checkout: ❌ Page not set
My account: ❌ Page not set
Terms and conditions: ❌ Page not set
### Theme ###
Name: Divi Child Theme
Version: 1.0
Author URL:
Child Theme: ✔
Parent Theme Name: Divi
Parent Theme Version: 4.21.1
Parent Theme Author URL:
WooCommerce Support: ✔
### Templates ###
Overrides: –
### Admin ###
Enabled Features: activity-panels
Disabled Features: minified-js
Daily Cron: ✔ Next scheduled: 2023-08-02 08:23:52 +10:00
Options: ✔
Notes: 82
Onboarding: completed
### Action Scheduler ###
Complete: 64
Oldest: 2023-07-31 23:05:21 +0000
Newest: 2023-08-01 23:24:38 +0000
Failed: 2
Oldest: 2023-07-31 23:13:48 +0000
Newest: 2023-08-01 11:45:05 +0000
Pending: 1
Oldest: 2023-08-02 23:24:38 +0000
Newest: 2023-08-02 23:24:38 +0000
### Status report information ###
Generated at: 2023-08-02 14:48:25 +10:00
]]>It’s stuck on an image that doesn’t exist in my media library, so I can’t delete it.
]]>The slider on the home page no longer slides for whatever reason. Also when I go into make changes to the slides, and I press save, it appears like it has saved the changes, but not until I refresh then I realize that it isn’t saving any of the changes. I normally just try to reinstall the plugin, however, I can’t export the slides, and I don’t want to risk losing my sliders. Please help this issue is driving me crazy.
]]>How can we manually disabled the recaptcha keys for Wordfence from command line or SFTP?