On my new website when I (as Administrator) attempt to upload a photo on the frontend, it states “Upload Failed”
I followed your instructions located here but to no avail: https://wppa.nl/docs-by-subject/user-upload/
Any ideas?
Thank you very much,
]]>[wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”uploads/lauras-uploads” createpath=”true” showtargetfolder=”true” askforsubfolders=”true” duplicatespolicy=”maintain both” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” adminmessages=”true” debugmode=”true” filebaselink=”true” medialink=”true” postlink=”true”]
]]>I want to create a website for my brother’s wedding on which the guests can upload photos. I don′t want them overwhelmed by the dashboard and therefore I am looking for a way they can upload on the frontend. Is there a good tool or best practice for that? I was thinking of gravity forms or similar forms so people can log in and upload directly to a gallery. I also would register the users with their names and a password before the event so the can easily login.
Bonus question
Should I use something like Smush to handle the file load? I don’t want the site to crash when 50 people upload a picture at the same time
any suggestions? Thanks in advance
]]>I there any option to upload media in to the respected folder using the “wp_insert_attachment” on the frontend form.
Thanks & Regards,
There is a problem with german umlauten (?, ?, ü) when creating new photo tag from frontend.
First upload with creating the new photo tag “B?ren”, everything is ok.
Second upload with selecting “B?ren” from tags listbox: a new photo tag “Bren” is created and applied to the second photo – the umlaut is lost.
kind regards
I’m searching for a plugin for a photostudio. The cutomer should upload an image an should make configurations (matt or glossy) and a couple other settings like format and numbers.
Also there should be the possibility to make the configurations for all or just a single photo.
Of course the photos should be send to the photostudio.
I already tried “Frontend Upload” which is pretty nice but has no possibility to add any checkboxes or radiobutton.
I hope there is anything out there
best regards
How difficult would it be to get this working for image uploads from the frontend?
Current frontend Jquery for attching files is this function:
galleryPostFormatUploadImage: function(){
var file_frame = "";
jQuery(".dt-open-media-for-gallery-post").click(function(e) {
// If the media frame already exists, reopen it.
if ( file_frame ) {
file_frame = wp.media.frames.file_frame = wp.media({
multiple: true,
title : "Upload / Select Media",
button :{ text : "Insert Image" }
file_frame.on( 'select', function() {
var attachments = file_frame.state().get('selection').toJSON();
var holder = "";
jQuery.each( attachments,function(key,value){
var full = value.sizes.full.url,
imageID = value.id,
thumbnail = value.sizes.thumbnail.url,
name = value.name;
holder += "<li class='gallery-thumb'>" +
"<div class='gallery-thumb-holder'>" +
"<img src='"+thumbnail+"'/>" +
"</div>" +
"<a class='mark-featured' data-property-id='"+imageID+"' href='#mark-featured'><i class='fa fa fa-star-o'></i></i></a>" +
"<span class='dt-image-name' >"+name+"</span>" +
"<input type='hidden' class='dt-image-name' name='items_name[]' value='"+name+"' />" +
"<input type='hidden' name='items[]' value='"+full+"' />" +
"<input type='hidden' name='items_thumbnail[]' value='"+thumbnail+"' />" +
"<input type='hidden' name='items_id[]' value='"+imageID+"' />" +
"<span class='remove_image' data-attachment-id='"+imageID+"'><i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i></span>" +
And of course, wp_enqueue_media(); used prior.
I would have assumed by using wp_media it would have attached automatically as it does backend, but no..
Any help??
PS: good luck with Master exam June
]]>*Allowing users to upload files in front-end of the website; (Similar form as shown in picture)
*Then these files go to moderation area where they will be checked by a moderator before publishing them on the website frontend.
*Ability to customise the front-end display of the files like the pic shown below;
Preview of the website I’m talking about is: https://www.gta5-mods.com
I know the theme is made in bootstrap but am unable to know if such thing can be made in wordpress (functionality). Would appreciate some help!
]]>I’m a relative newbie to the WordPress world, and and trying to get my head around PHP & My SQL.
I hope you might be able to help.
I am going to move a my church website from standard PHP/html site to a wordpress site, but I’ve come up against a brick wall with a file upload area of the site.
On the current site, we upload (front-end) mp3 files to one DB table, other document type files to other tables with in the same DB, which we then display on different pages for download by the congregation.
I have this facility functioning fine in the “OLD SITE” site, so I know my PHP is working on that.
I’ve imported the MySQL DB from the old server on to the new WP server and changed the DB name, user, password etc to match the new server. I have managed to display the content of the database ok, but I just can not seem to get it to upload with the WP system…..
I would love to give you some code, but I got so frustrated at 4am this morning, that I wiped the lot and have reinstalled WP……
So the question is, are there any free plugins that would allow front-end upload of varying file types, to different DB Tables? Or would someone be able to help me with some advice and pointers or even code to assist me writing the code to facilitate this function please?
Sorry for the long windedness of my post…. I’ve only had 2 hours sleep…..
Many thanks