Here’s an example of a portfolio item. The slider should appear under the headline/
I am getting the issue with “Notification” in user profile…
I have seen the patches for this otification problem… but i cannot …
Anybody can give a suggestion for me …
thanks in advance
How to add patches to the theme ?
So just getting here was difficult.
I am completely unable to simply put Pages on my Top Menu bar. How do I do this?
I want to have Books as one of the Top menu pages, with FOUR subpages within the Books page. How do I do this?
I tried placing Books as the ‘Parent’ of each of the four subpages, but this didn’t fix it. Now I have a whole mess of Pages on the Footer menu, and I don’t want any menu items at all cluttering up the footer.
I’ve gone back and forth on the Dashboard from Pages to Appearance trying to get this to work. Something as simple as this is not laid out in a clear, direct, easy-to-use manner.
Yes, I’ve read the Instructions and it doesn’t clear this up. It just compounds the confusion.
]]>body { background: url(“”) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; }
Anyone know how to remove that stuff?j
]]>As you can see on the wiki pages there is an issue:
It is a BP-Default child theme. As it is using the WPMU Wiki plugin I can not select the ‘full width’ option.
WPMU stated that I have to copy the full width template file an rename it to ‘incsub_wiki.php’, but I’m having difficulty finding the file.
Many thanks.
]]>It’s in a plugin, but basically, it calls the native functions :
They both work fine when frisco is deactivated.
When frisco is active, I get an url like :
When I activate twenty twelve :
It does interfere with BP Group Documents, that makes an ajax call for file upload.
Could you help, I can’t find any filter in Frisco that acts on the site urls …
Thank you !
I’m running WP 3.5.2 with Buddypress 1.8.1 (just updated)
The theme is Frisco, child theme of Buddypress
When I activate BP Group Documents 1.3, I see my theme appears as broken, and I have a message in the dashboard that says :
ERREUR : le répertoire des thèmes est soit vide, ou n’existe pas. Veuillez vérifier votre installation.
(Theme directory is empty or doesn’t exist, please check your installation)
In the Theme section :
Broken Themes
The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
Name Description
Frisco for BuddyPress The parent theme is missing. Please install the “bp-default” parent theme.
In the same time, WPML is broken, the “directory configuration” doesn’t work at all (urls like
The Group Documents work anyway, the website works (except for the english version).
When I deactivate BP Groups Documents, all is restored !
Thank you for your help !
]]>My Site:
]]>I’m using the custom /join slug to lockdown my site and it works perfectly, but I have two questions:
1. I can’t find the Frisco theme CSS for the login section. How can I do that?
2. I have a terms and privacy page. Can I include those without being redirected?
Thank you!