Added the following code snippet to Freak customize css:
body, html {
color: #000000;
Still no love.
Please advise.
thank you.
]]><!–nextpage–> inserted manualy and via tool bar
added following code to single.php file: <?php wp_link_pages(); ?>
Cannot get it to work.
Please advise. thank you.
]]>I’m using Freak theme on my website ( I love it, but there are a few things that bug me that can’t be changed through the regular customisation options.
My main bug bear is the colour of the navigation menu – it’s medium grey on a light grey background, there is not enough contrast to make it easy to read. I have Googled and searched these forums and tried at least 30 different suggested code strings to change this using the stylesheet, with only partial success; I managed to change the menu item colour, but can’t change the colour of the dropdown menus to match. I would like to have menu items change to a different colour on hover as well, but have had no luck adapting that either despite trying many code strings from many tutorials and whatnot.
Second, I would like to change the title above the text on each page (for example, “HOME”) to match whatever colour I settle on for the menu items – but once again, cannot seem to find the right code to do this. And lastly, I’d like to increase the size of the body text a little to make it easier for visitors to my site to read.
If someone could help me achieve this, I would be very grateful. Many thanks in advance!!
]]>Apologies for posting elsewhere in this same forum, but I thought the error code in the topic title would help anyone with same specific problem.
I’ve been using Yoast SEO for quite some time on many sites with no issues. Hate to have to give it up.
Error message: “this source is black boxed its breakpoints are disabled, and stepping skips through it”
When debugging found issues relating to yoast seo.
disabled yoast seo and problem fixed. Here is a small portion of the debugging code:
‘YoastSEO=”undefined”==typeof YoastSEO?{}:YoastSEO,YoastSEO.Analyzer=function(a){this.config=a,this.checkConfig(),this.init(a),this.analyses={}},YoastSEO.Analyzer.prototype.checkConfig=function(){“undefined”==typeof this.config.text&&(this.config.text=””)},YoastSEO.Analyzer.prototype.init=function(a)’
WordPress 4.4.1 – freak child theme based on: FreakVersion: – By Rohit Tripathi
I don’t like using the featured images and if I don’t add one I get an ugly placeholder box on the page instead. Can I turn that off or add CSS to not display it?
]]>Please can someone help me with a problem that I have on the ‘Freak’ theme. I have searched the site but could not find anything regarding this issue. I am running Worpress on Bluehost and I have spen a long time preparing my website only to find out that when i did an SEO check that my site has no title. I would really like to carry on using this theme on WordPress, but really need a title, so that the site can be recognised by the search engines. Your help would be very much appreciated. I am new to WordPress, so trying to learn as much as I can.