I’d like to send out lists / forms to my clients to let the medit the forms. Right now I’m sending out excel spreadsheets and await their reply with a filled excel spreadsheet.
Unfortunately my clients always change the format of the spreadsheet and when they want to update, I need to replace existing spreadsheets, etc.
So, I’m looking for a mechnism, which lets me send out the form to a client. The client needs to create a user on my site to edit THEIR form(s). The client will be able to update the form and to create new forms or I assign them forms to their user.
Is there a suggestion for a plugin or any other idea?
thanks a lot!
]]>What am I doing wrong?
]]>The form editor seems to be, by design, kept inside a container, which essentially cuts off everything after a certain point, with no scrollbar either. Does anyone else have this issue – or is it only me?
Can the editor be made to show inside the entire WordPress area (i.e. continuing down the screen – not in a container), or is there a simple issue with the CS overflow property for the Fluent Forms edit canvas? This happens in both Chrome and Firefox for me. After a few fields, I literally can’t get to anything below the cutoff point and would need to use a different plugin if I can;t figure this out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Thank you,
]]>I need simple “subscribers” to fill some required fields, but users whith other “roles” don’t have to. If I set those fields “required” (in forms editor), I can’t update Authors, Editors, Administrators profiles without filling it.
Can I get different “User fields” or required user fields for different users roles?
Thank you for helping
I just started creating my first form (a registration form for e-mail notifications) and it raises a question:
The form editor “Block”-tab allows me to specify “Inherit style from theme”. However, when I select this, the styling of the form elements still differs from the styling in my theme. These differences are caused by inline CSS (‘style’ attributes) in form elements.
For example:
<input type="submit" class="mailpoet_submit" value="Aanmelden" data-automation-id="subscribe-submit-button" style="padding:5px;margin: 0 auto 0 0;border-color:transparent;">
Of course I can override these settings by defining a number of “!important” CSS-rules, but doesn’t the editor offer a decent way to avoid this unwanted an unnecessary inline CSS?
Thank you for your help!
]]>I am using MailPoet 3, Version 3.45.0 and WordPress 5.3.2 running the Twenty Sixteen theme.
]]>i wrote a plugin for cf7 that outputs the prices calculated by dropdown values of multi page form page 1 in the 2nd form page. to do so, i used the plugin php shrotcode and a simple [prices] in form part 2. unfortunately since one of the latest updates this doesn’T work no more. i already tried a lot:
– shortcode in functions.php > cf7 data for price calculation not available
– is there a hook i could use to output the prices on form 2 head?
– maybe use js workaround with php to get the prices? but then it’s really hard to get the cf7 form data…
how could i achieve this?
code of my plugin:
Plugin Name: Contact Form 7 Preisberechnung Bavaria-Transfer
Plugin URI: https://ff-webdesigner.de/
Description: Berechnet die Kosten für Transferservices innerhalb Contact Form 7
Author: Frank Woelky
Version: 0.1b
Author URI: https://ff-webdesigner.de/
include_once ("/www/htdocs/w0090f11/bavaria-transfer.net/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions.php");
function bavaria_preise_js() {
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="/wp-content/plugins/bavaria-preise/bavaria-preise.js"></script>';
add_action('wp_head', 'bavaria_preise_js');
add_action("wpcf7_before_send_mail", "bavaria_preise");
function bavaria_preise($cf7) {
$wpcf = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
if(stripos($wpcf->form,"bavaria_preise()")===FALSE)return FALSE; // wenn nicht erster schritt formular
// ansonsten:
$p_data =cf7msm_get('cf7msm_posted_data');
//echo "<pre>";
//print_r( $p_data);
//echo "</pre>";
// plz preis ermitteln
for($z=2;$z<count($csv);$z++) {
if($csv[$z+2][0]==$p_data['abholort']) {
// transfertyp grundpreis
switch ($p_data['transfertyp']) {
case "Sammeltransfer": $transfertyp=1; break;
case "Express-Fahrt": $transfertyp=9; break;
case "Einzelfahrt": $transfertyp=17; break;
case "VIP-Service": $transfertyp=25; break;
else $personen=$p_data['personen'];
// aufpreise für kinder
if($p_data['step']=='1-3')$pro_strecke=" pro Strecke";
$preis=$plz_preis + $preis_transfertyp + $aufpreis_kinder;
if($p_data['transfer']=='Hin- und Rückfahrt'&& $p_data['step']=='2-3')$preis*=2;
$preis='<div id="ff_preis">Preis: <span id="ff_preis_inner">'.$preis.',00 € '.$pro_strecke.'</span></div>';
return $preis;
function hidden_price_field() {
$output='<input class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-text hidden" type="text" value="'.$preis.'" name="preis">';
return $output;
function daten_einlesen(){
$zeilen = file($datei);
foreach($zeilen as &$zeile) {
$csv[] = explode(";",$zeile); //parse the items in rows
return $csv;
function PLZ_dropdown($choices, $args=array()) {
$choices = array();
for($z=2;$z<count($csv);$z++) {
return $choices;
add_filter('PLZ_dropdown', 'PLZ_dropdown', 10, 2);