In ACF you can, as you know, set the Wrapper width attribute in %. Then when designing the Forms you have the Style with Width again, and Float. I cannot find any documentation on how this is supposed to work or best-use examples? Trial-and-error hasn’t been conclusive for me so I would appreciate some insight. Also, neither Margin nor Padding has any effect on my forms, no matter what px, em or % you use?
]]>Thank you!
]]>The issue now, that the placeholder does not disappear on the mouseclick, and when user starts typing there a real value, the new value gets mixed with the placeholder.
Is that a normal behaviour? Can it be adjusted, so the placeholder would disappear when user starts entering new value into the field?
I would like to make a donation in the amount of:
I would like to designate this donation to a specific fund
$10 $20 $50 $100 $200 Other
Thank you!
]]>I am having trouble changing the Optin form design.
On you can click the “Get a free course” button, which open up form 4. When I switch to form 5 in WordPress, the button doesn’t work anymore.
I do most likely know what the cause is, however I don’t know how to fix it. In the “Button settings”, the button doesn’t link to a URL, but has an “extra class name” (button_28 free-course) that takes care of this. I have no clue in which CSS and/or PHP file this classname is defined. Can anyone help me? Thank you!