The code is here:
I hope that you may find some of this helpful – thank you for making your code available via the GPLv2+ license so I could work from it.
]]>I have found your plugin very usefull, so I have decided to do a small mod in order to let also choose the posts tags.
It does seem to work perfectly.
I have posted the code in the reference link:
Yo will see there is very small changes, some have applied others yet to come.
In order to show the button in mce the variable has been renamed from tinyMCE_object
to tinyMCE_object_PFC
you might consider adding a “surname” to your variable in case another plugin uses the same variable name, which is a bit generic.
Sorry for using the support area, I could not find a bette way to contact you (I am quiet shure it does exist but… )
]]>I continue development of this great plugin on Github.
New features (see readme.txt for documentation):
* Embed doodlez and voting in other posts and pages or as a widget using the new shortcode [wpdoodlez_sc]
* polls can be created using the same CPT as the wpdoodlez
* pie graphs when using chartscodes plugin
* quizzz –> play a trivia or quiz (own CPT and shortcode)
– quizz can be played as hangman or crossword too
* Security fixes and PHP 8.1 adjustments
* wp 592 compatible
Suddenly today it stopped working.
Is there any support left here to help or am I just SOL?
]]>Few weeks ago we released Rapid Cache which is fork of Comet Cache released under the GPL license.
Since the Comet Cache project was abandoned we have been dealing with spike of problems in our customer sites (same as you) and ultimately decided to fork Comet Cache and used forked version internally, later we decided to publish our fork in public so others will find it useful.
We fixed all PHP notices and errors and improved it’s existing functionality and documentation. Also we re-wrote big chunks of the code.
Feel free to try it, if you need any help contact us in the support forum. Please do not expect help for the PRO version of Comet Cache. There is no PRO version planned for now but maybe sometime in future.