Is there a possibility to define that every link with words in a language other than English will receive redirect correctly?
]]>Translated with (free version)
]]>Any advice as to how to do this?
]]>Check Screenshot :
Affected Site:
Why there is a malay language in those navigational pages. I am not using malay code or never used to show title change in SERPs. I check source of the Page and found twitter card mentioned in malay language ( I disabled twitter card from setting but still it is there even after clearing the cache for whole site.
]]>Suggestion? Dialects. However they’re not perfect translations at this point, soo. Little bolts of lightening don’t fair too well in Latin.
I.e. European Castilian, espa?ol, Mexican Spanish , American Spanglish *is that an actual dialect?* , Cuban dialects , Dominican Republic, Peruvian, Guatemalan, Chili, -they’re all different. Not a major difference though like there is with some of the other languages listed.
Arabic dialects are so different they almost don’t seem like the same language. So how can you only have 1 Arabic if they all say hello / yes is 10 different ways? It is just the standard Arabic?
So Just please extend to be more specific with certian regions.
English is just ‘english,’ but it’s not. American English & Irish are completely different.
]]>Instead of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…I need to use their translations in German. Is it possible?
The same for January, February…
I’m trying to create a simple “Q & A” type quiz for my personal dictionary site.
I’m letting users to use “free text” areas for answers.
So I’ve created possible answers by your management form. But comparison between my “possible answer list” and “user answers” works only in English alphabet. When users try to use special characters and answer the question, it just returns with “incorrect” result. I would like to use some other special characters in other languages (like ? a ? ? ? ? ? ? ü … etc. both in capital and lower cases) on free text area. Is it possible to fix this somehow?
]]>I tried url with Chinese character and unicode but it doesnt work:
here is the source url i tried:
And this is the target url:
Thank you!
]]>I don’t see any settings for the list and day view page names, so will I have do an edit in the .php or .po files?