Due to a subdomain I at one point had, I have two separate locations in the file directory where I have themes.
One is:
public_html >> themes >> foodpress
the other is:
public_html >> wp-content >> themes >> foodpress >> foodpress child
The former is from the subdomain. My theory is that my domain is heading straight for the highest level theme folder, instead of navigating through wp-content. That would explain why I have the foodpress styles activated, but when my child sheet is activated I get nothing.
Could this be the issue? And am I at any risk of messing something up if I go ahead and delete the subdomain theme directory?
]]>I’ve installed an online store with wwocommerce and foodpress plugin, you can find the current state here:
Let’s say that the basics and the frontend is working good, so from user side it’s done.
On the other hand I’d like to setup the backend a bit different than it’s right now, the basic setup. Every day there is a different menu selection and the users can order food with one order, but for separate days. So e.g. on Sunday they will order a meal for every day.
I want to setup a backend admin panel where the admins can see and separate that for each day from which food how many orders came is and who ordered it. Right now in the woocommerce store it can only be checked that one incoming order happened, but cannot separate that which item goes to which date.
And one more detail to add: from time to time a food may be repeated, so it can happen that one food is available on week 21 Monday and next time it’s again available on week 25 Tuesday. Also there will be general items like bread for every day and I have to separate that who ordered bread for which day (maybe someone order for Monday, but not for Tuesday, etc.)
Do anyone have any idea how can I set up tags or special markers for the foods and how can I monitor the incoming orders in this way?
Any help is more than welcome as I haven’t found any plugin or way to achieve this function.
I am using a theme called Foodpress.
I set up a menu set up in WordPress menu admin section as the primary menu for that theme. It works well on the home page and also on single post pages but not for category pages. It doesnt appear at all.
I am not a seasoned WP admin but I am aware of the normal php files used within themes. I have done some research into this but have been unable to find the root cause of the problem. Unfortunately there is no tech support available for this theme for some reason.
I have had to switch off the primary menu until I can find a solution.
Some advice on this would be very welcome
Need help .I know foodpress has been quite out of date but its the slider (which is a main feature) of the thme which is’nt working -unfortunately the theme author has already abandoned support for this -I just want to know (in good faith) if there are people here who have the same theme and got their sliders working
Thanks in advance!
Here’s my site.