Can you help solve, so that correct fonts display in the select menu?
]]>I selected the setting for…
Make the Classic Paragraph or Classic Block the default block (hybrid mode)
The default block is inserted on pressing Enter in the title or clicking under the last block. Selecting this option also adds some improvements and fixes for the Classic Block.
I really wish there was a way to display the fonts selected in Customising ? Typography
Default Typography
Right now the cleanest and fastest solution I have is to create and edit in Google Docs using only the Google Fonts selected with your plugin. I then Cntl + V paste them into Gutenberg Classic Paragraph Block.
Your plugin seems to recognize the formating from Google Docs and faithfully renders the post.
It would be great to skip doing that for quick posts to the site.
]]>U postavkama plugina (tj. na?ina pla?anja ili payment gatewaya) se nalazi novi atribut ‘Glavni font’ (engl. Main font), a ?ija se vrijednost mo?e odabrati kroz padaju?i izbornik. Za sada su ponu?ene sljede?e vrijednosti:
– “proporcionalni”/”proportional” (njegovim odabirom se koristi font Times New Roman)
– “neproporcionalni”/”monospaced” (njegovim odabirom se koristi font Roboto Mono)
Ukoliko se ne vr?i nikakvo dodatno pode?avanje plugina, defaultno se koristi proporcionalni font, tj. Times New Roman.
Odabrani spomenuti font se koristi za tekst koji se ne prikazuje unutar ?elija, tj. ?iji znakovi se ne moraju nalaziti u to?no odre?enim ku?icama jednake duljine.
Ovu funkcionalnost sam ve? razradila te ?e biti objavljena u repozitoriju na GitHubu kroz par minuta.
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