Here is the message which appears :
PHP 7.4 incompatibilities: FILE: flowpaper.php FOUND 1 ERRORS AND 0 WARNINGS AFFECTING 1 LINES
35 | ERROR | Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated since PHP 5.3 and removed since PHP 7.0
Andy suggestion as to what to do to avoid this conflict?
[flipbook pdf="'.$pdf_url.'" width="80%" height="700px"]
. But for few pdfs which I am uploading newly its not working and saying Can’t load pdf.[flipbook pdf="'.$pdf_url.'&wp-hosted=1" width="80%" height="700px"]
..then its not working and same alert message.
Kindly check this and provide some guidance. I have already checked this ticket, but have no solution.
]]>However I seem to have a problem when displaying “10月号” PDFs.
It is displayed like this and I can’t see the PDF.
“Can’t load this PDF. Make sure the PDF exists at the URL you’re loading it from.”
I confirmed that the PDF URL is correct. PDF file size is 15 megabyte or less.
It was not displayed even if the folder position was changed.
But other short codes that only change the PDF URL are functioning normally. (This is the most mysterious.) -> “創刊号” “4月号” “6月号” “8月号”
Look at the page. What am I doing wrong?
It’s very troubled. Please help me fix this problem.
Error is:
I only tried to add the “theme” parameter to the shortcode, nothing else.
It seems like there’s a bad setting in the header, but I’m sure I’ve never opened the core files.
What’s wrong?
]]>I am trying this plugin to display flipbook on homepage and also on click for other pdfs which would be in archives etc, how can i achieve this wherein on click of any pdf’s it should open in flipbook
]]>I am using flowpaper plugin to show PDFs in my website. When the PDF is downloaded its getting saved as download.pdf. Is it possible to give the correct name for the downloaded file?