I use a WordPress theme sold by a company Flothemes, the theme is called Rosemary. However, just having added three images as a test, I see there is a possible conflict with the images weirdly appearing with 1. Rounded corners, 2. very pixelated 3. cropped weirdly and 4. No way of advancing from one image to the next (no arrows).
I think this is probably a conflict with my website, but it’s a theme so I don’t have access to everything, and I use dozens of plug-ins (all of them necessary and added slowly bit by bit over 18 months for many different purposes. They have all been configured exactly and I haven’t the time, sadly, to mess around uninstalling, reinstalling and re-configuring every one)
I am going to ask them too if they can help, but is there anything I could be missing, that isn’t related to my website or an installed theme or plug-in conflicting somehow?
]]><img width="600" height="600" src="https://www.indiaearl.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/guiding-what-to-wear-600x600.png" class="attachment-shop_single size-shop_single wp-post-image slick-slide slick-current slick-active" alt="guiding what to wear" tabindex="0" role="option" aria-describedby="slick-slide00" style="width: 138px;" data-slick-index="0" aria-hidden="false">
And then it just repeats that 5 times. I’m using the WooSwipe plugin but it’s doing that as just a default even with that plugin deactivated. When I don’t use the WooSwipe plugin, WooCommerce stacks all 5 images in a vertical column rather than in a slider. But it’s still all the same image. You can take a look, I’ve linked the product page.
I’m using the Osaka theme from Flo Themes. I didn’t build the theme or even the site, I was just hired to add products and write some code to customize their WooCommerce set up.
Any idea why this might be happening? All themes, plugins, WP core are updated to latest versions.
]]>The Pretty Blog has the perfect example of this, I know they have a automated system where you just upload your images and it adds the information by itself and also hide the bottom part on the front end which has that information.
Is there a plugin for something like this? I can’t find anything. Even if it’s just possible to hide part of the image, then I’ll upload the images with the already added copyright section manually.
Maybe seeing an example will help?
The Pretty Blog
I’m using Crowd from Flothemes on WordPress 4.5.3