Here’s an previous post where it is still working:
Any insight would be so greatly appreciated!
Warm regards and hope you are staying well.
]]>Uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin but it looks like the uninstall does not remove all the plugin left behind as when I re-activated it my API and Album keys appeared in the New Gallery section.
Uninstalled the PRO and tired the FREE again, but no luck there too.
Any ideas? or an email to where I can send sensitive API keys?
The product is so much more than your expectation.
Adding an album & photostream is easy than others, simple, clean and responsive.
you should also add your Flickr profile into premium version.
I have an issue when adding a new gallery. Old ones are working but when I add a new I have this error message in the article: Error generating gallery.
I generated a new api key to be sure but the issue persists.
No error on JS console and no 404 or any other error…
Could you help?
]]>The Flick Mini Gallery plugin stopped working today – at least for us, and this is message about why it happened and how to fix it. Flickr’s API now requires SSL-only, read more about it here –
How to fix the plugin? All you need to do is following:
Go to /wp-content/plugins/flickr-mini-gallery/js/ and edit miniflickr.js. Find all occurrences of “http” and change it to “https“. That will do the SSL magic.
If it still isn’t enough to work, maybe check all the URLs – there’s always parameter api_key= after which follows the Flick API KEY. So if you need a new one, simply just get it here, it’s just a 2-3 minutes process –
That’s it. Hope it’ll be useful for some :).
]]>It’s simple to use – you just paste a shortcode into your blog post or page. It allows for multiple galleries and slideshows on a page and/or in the sidebars too.
We welcome feedback and ideas for new features so please visit the plugin site : Slickr Flickr
]]>I am using Joe Tan’s flickr plugin which now supports shortcodes and the attribute parsing doesn’t seem to work on one of my testing servers.
The shortcode is like this:
[flickr album="72157604931449442" num="14"]
And the beginning of function that handles it:
function getShortCodeHTML($attribs=false, $content=false) {
global $post;
'album' => null,
'tag' => null,
'num' => 5,
'size' => 'Square',
'scale' => 1,
), $attribs)); echo $album.' '.$num;
For debugging, I’ve added an echo of the album and num attribute right after the attribute extraction.
The function does it’s job and works well on my local server (which is 2.5.0 still).
72157604931449442 14
On the remote server (2.5.1), it ignores the space that separates them and goes like this:
”72157604931449442” num=”14” 5
So it takes everything it gets, including the quotes, after declaring the album attribute.
How can I fix this?