]]>When DEBUG=True, the following variables are undefined:
$include, $sort_order, $show_date, $show_home, $date_format and $dropdown
My (over)simple fix is to insert two sets of code.
1 – at line 139
//NHSA established a default for $show_home
$show_home = '';
2 – at line 242
//NHSA established a default for $include
$include = '';
//NHSA established a default for $sort_order
$sort_order = 'ASC';
//NHSA established a default for $show_date
$show_date = 0;
//NHSA established a default for $show_home
$show_home = '';
//NHSA established a default for $date_format
$date_format = '';
//NHSA hack established a default for $dropdown
$dropdown = '';
]]>If I include subpages and show hierarchy the drop down menu disappears completely. I can put individual pages into the drop down menu but no hierarchy or subpages.
If I tick at “Show Home” then only this line appears as menu.
]]>The code for the display is:
$page_dropdown .= str_repeat("\t", $depth+1).'
<option class="level-'.$level.'" value="'.$page['ID'].'"'.$selected.'>'
.str_repeat(" ", $level).$page['title'].$date.
I need to cut the page title because with the drop-down menu, select the exit out of the layout.
I wrote the function and called the title as:
function taglia_stringa($stringa_in_input, $numero_caratteri){
$testo = substr($stringa_in_input,0,strpos($stringa_in_input,' ',$numero_caratteri)).'...';
} else {
$testo = $stringa_in_input;
return $testo;
$page_dropdown .= str_repeat("\t", $depth+1).'
<option class="level-'.$level.'" value="'.$page['ID'].'"'.$selected.'>'
.str_repeat(" ", $level).taglia_stringa($page['title'],26).$date.'
Some titles I see them, for others I only see ‘…’.
How can I fix?
Thank you.
]]>Per la visualizzazione viene usata:
$page_dropdown .= str_repeat("\t", $depth+1).'<option class="level-'.$level.'" value="'.$page['ID'].'"'.$selected.'>'.str_repeat(" ", $level).$page['title'].$date.'</option>'."\n";
Ho la necessità di tagliare il titolo della pagina perchè con il menù a tendità, la select esce fuori dal layout.
Ho scritto la funzione e richiamato il titolo come:
function taglia_stringa($stringa_in_input, $numero_caratteri){
$testo = substr($stringa_in_input,0,strpos($stringa_in_input,' ',$numero_caratteri)).'...';
} else {
$testo = $stringa_in_input;
return $testo;
$page_dropdown .= str_repeat("\t", $depth+1).'<option class="level-'.$level.'" value="'.$page['ID'].'"'.$selected.'>'.str_repeat(" ", $level).taglia_stringa($page['title'],26).$date.'</option>'."\n";
Alcuni titoli li vedo, per altri invece vedo solo ‘…’ ma richiama comunque la pagina correttamente.
]]>For instance, I have our “About Us” widget set to “Show on Selected” with the target URLs of about/* and about. So, that widget should only show up on the About Us section. However, it is showing up on all of my pages.
Any help would be great!
We have noticed that since about upgrade to tha latest WordPress (or rather “since 6-8 weeks”), Flexi-Pages introduces a severe performance problem: when FP is active, a page-load goes from 4-5 sec (page weighs in at ~1.6MB) to 35-180 seconds. And that not being all, publishing often takes 5-6 MINUTES and then often gives a 403 and the tags are not acknowledged …
I tested all plugins we use, one after the other, and this was the one alone slowed the website down.
We are on a shared hoster, using PHP 5.3.21 amd MySQL 5.3 iirc.
I have opted to deactivate FP for now, what makes the website look
Thanks for your consideration and kind regards.
]]>if(!isset($sort_order)) $sort_order = 'ASC';
if(!isset($show_home)) $show_home = '';
if(!isset($show_date)) $show_date = 0;
if(!isset($date_format)) $date_format = '';
if(!isset($dropdown)) $dropdown = '';
On my site, I exclude pages/posts but I don’t specifically include any. Nor do I set a value for Hierarchy. So, the routine starting on line 245 evaluates in the negative and doesn’t set a value for $include. So I added the following at line 256:
if(!isset($include)) $include = '';
$poge_array = array();
$page_array = array();