Not sure what file to look in to find the actual code that is being used. The result on the page is that we get a link that says [Show picture list], which does flip to a picture, but aligned incorrectly. On inside pages, there is a PNG over the top of that portion of the screen and so I can not tell if that link is there or not.
Notes on upgrade said it will fail gracefully, but that apppears to not be the case for us. Please advise where to look for tag and what changes need to be made to it for proper javascript functionality.
]]>But on a PC or on mobile brower that does not have a flash, the slideshow does not appear and, in its place, a message appears that says: Slideshows require the Flash Player and a browser with JavaScript support.
There is a system to make sure that on these browsers, in place of this message, appears a normal Slideshow (version not flash)?
]]>I tried to change the background color of the flash slide show (JW Image Rotator Version 3.17) on the options page, but it does not work. I stays the black background.
I tried to find a different solution, but with no chance.
Any ideas?
I use Version 1.9.10.
]]>It took a while to find an answer that LOOKED correct (versus some of the guesses I saw posted)
This post: (in particular all the responses from rw79 were SUPER helpful in getting the thumbnails centering correctly. (I knew rw79 was on the right track when I saw their solution for IE7/IE8 compatibility)
I downloaded rw79‘s stylesheet and incorporated the suggested changes into my stylsheet. (I used the file comparison program Beyond Compare to clearly see the changes needed and where they should go. This is because rw79 had other modifications in their stylesheet which I did not need/want) and FINALLY I got centered thumbnails that works in ALL browsers (except IE7/IE8 of course **LOL**)
As for centering the Flash slideshow, it turns out that there is something missing from the default NGG stylesheet.. Find the section headed:
/* ———– Slideshow ————-*/
and add the following:
.ngg_slideshow {
/* Required to center the Flash slideshow */
margin: 0 auto;
and the FLASH slideshow will now center correctly. This change is NOT required if you are using the JQuery slideshow. (at least not in my experience)
I hope this will help save someone some searching.. Gonna add some tags to make this post easy to find..
nextgen-gallery, center, center thumbnails, center slideshow
]]>The page in question is at
The code in question (which currently is not working) is:
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]