Shortcode: [open-user-map lat=”48.944591844919″ long=”11.40800745″ zoom=”6″ region=”Bayern” types=”museen|auktionshaeuser-und-muenzhaendler”]
Is it possible to keep a region map in a fixed position as it is possible with the initial map? I will switch off the regions buttons via css because there will be to many. The problem is: as soon the user navigates outside the region it is difficult to move back to the initial postition without the regions buttons.
Best regards Anne
]]>I’ve added CSS to make my header sticky which worked just fine. While trying to do the same with the top bar I had to realize that my approach isn’t working.
So I did some research to get a hint of what I need to adjust to make it work and stumbled upon the following thread of this forum:
Now that this thread is over 4 years old I am positive that there had been some major updates regarding the issue in the meantime.
Can you confirm this and give a little advice on how to change my CSS to get the desired results?
This is my code:
section.woa-top-bar.col-1.fix {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
If it still isn’t possible would it be a solution to use a sticky header/top bar plugin? Or should the top bar be added manually instead of using your plugin? Not sure if the outcome would be different.
Thanks for your help, highly appreciated! Best regards,
]]>I don’t want it to be displayed on 100% of the page, only once you scroll down to where the button is and as you scroll passed it, it remains stuck to the bottom of the mobile screen.
I have tried multiple plugins but all of them either only support sticky elements on the TOP of the screen instead of what I want (the bottom) OR they don’t allow you to make the button sticky only once you scroll down the page to the original location of the button, it makes the button sticky throughout the entire page.
I have also tried multiple CSS that I have found in the forums, none of worked at all.
I am using elementor to build out the page.
]]>I am developing with Elementor and using the ascension theme.
My first idea was to put it in the top right of the website above my navigation, but due to the theme I am using (ascension) I am unable to do that. The only place I am allowed to put the icons would be in places like the side bar, footer, and attached to primary nav, but no way to put it exactly where I want it.
So, moving back on topic… I need to find either another theme that would allow me to put the social media icons at the top right of the website above my navigation menu, or, more preferably after doing some research… put the icons in a fixed position on the right hand side of the screen so that they never move as the user is navigating throughout the website.
Please let me know if I need to elaborate and thank you for your time,
]]>I try many browser and many phone (iphone 4s, 7, galaxy, alcatel …) my only problem is with iphone 7 and on those specific form fixed on bottom of the window.
If I click on a field it doesnt focus on it, if I click on first field its working, but if I click on the “tab next field button” It focusing way farder then the next sibbling field.
There are two of those website :
Do you have any clue ?
]]>Always been a fan of this plugin, will definitely send you a buck whenever I finally start making any money back out of my sites.
I was wondering if there is a way to disable margin-top at certain resolutions such as at laptop resolution of 1366×768. I currently use a 140px margin top for an adsense placement that looks fine at 1080p, but when going down to laptop res, it appears at the bottom of the frame and I don’t want to disable the entire plugin at this resolution as the advert is still out of frame at the top of the screen when I scroll down to the main content on the site. I do have a temporary fix of placing the widget manually by the main content, but I’m still missing out on being able to scroll through the entire page with a fixed widget which at 768p, the 700px adsense normally fills out the side of the screen perfectly. A css solution is preferable, I’ve tried messing around myself but no luck, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
Regards, Sam
]]>.header {position: fixed!important; z-index: 1000;}
jQuery.sidr('open', 'sidr-main');
in console.
In Sidr [] demo page not have this behavior.
I try with optimizer theme demo to be sure that’s not due to my customisation and obtain the same behavior.
To reproduce :
– go to
– put your navigator in “mobile mode” (Ctrl+shift+I – responsive 480×600 for exemple)
– scroll down in the page
– (the menu is not glue) => so use the console : jQuery.sidr('open', 'sidr-main');
or glue the menu with modify .header {position: fixed!important; z-index: 1000;}
in css
– the menu open correctly but page scroll to the top !!!
could you help me to solve this issue (open the mobile menu without page position modification) ?
Thank’s for your support
I’m working on a password protected site here, so I can’t supply the link, but I did find a way to fix the problem – which then caused other problems. The base overflow from the first line of the shiftnav.css is set to ‘hidden’, if I change that to ‘initial’ the flickering header works as expected and stays put. The problem then is that the shiftnav menu can’t be scrolled vertically after that, so it becomes unusable in landscape view.
I’d really like to get this resolved. Have you heard of others having similar problems? Anything you might suggest i try? If we haveto I can strip out elements and get a test site setup to work this out.
Thank you very much.
]]>I am trying to create custom css code that will enable the visibility of both a “fixed” and “footer” position for my floating footer bar. I would like for the footer to remain at the fixed position on the home page, but be in the footer position for all other pages, on my website. The page id for the home page is .page-id-196 I’m sure it’s possible and I have been racking my brain trying to figure it out. Please help. :/ The code is below.This particular site is not live yet, but the footer can be view on my other website
/*ShopAtKEI Footer Bar*/
.fixedBar{background: #000000; bottom: 0px; color:#fff; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; left:0; padding: 0px 0; position:fixed; font-size:16px; width:100%; z-index:99999; float:left; vertical-align:middle; margin: 0px 0 0; opacity: 1; font-weight: bold;}
.boxfloat{text-align:center; width:920px; margin:0 auto}
#tips, #tips li{margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none}
#tips{width:920px; font-size:20px; line-height:120%;}
#tips li{padding: 15px 0;}
#tips li a{color: #fff;}
#tips li a:hover{text-decoration: none;}