on line 169 check function is_front_page
add the amp in the list
before$query = array_diff( array_keys( $query->query ), array( 'preview', 'page', 'paged', 'cpage', 'orderby' ) );
after $query = array_diff( array_keys( $query->query ), array( 'preview', 'page', 'paged', 'cpage', 'orderby', 'amp' ) );
Ho provato mille volte cambiando qualcosa nel file CSV ma dopo aver importato correttamente i prodotti, non mi fa vedere le varianti.
allego link per scaricare il test in csv:
Please help me
]]>Ho provato mille volte cambiando qualcosa nel file CSV ma dopo aver importato correttamente i prodotti, non mi fa vedere le varianti.
allego link per scaricare il test in csv:
Please help me
]]>My theme is SEO WP, a premium theme I bought from Envato. I updated it, together with the plugins, and then started having issues. I contacted my web host who helped to some degree, but the big problem I have right now is that in the dashboard, my site will not allow me to actually do anything. I can move around but for any action I take, it simply “thinks” and that’s that.
It is showing code right at the top that my web host fixed but it returned. They say that its the mega menu plugin that’s broken the site, but I can’t get support for it.
Also, when I want to edit a published post, there is nothing in the post, although at least it still shows on the front end of the website.
]]>Ok here’s the deal… (and before I start I’m one of those “ask tech support at gunpoint” types see below) I have a site that has had some malicious code injected somewhere.
The site itself is fine and everything works, but there’s a “page” that Google made me aware of that doesn’t exist on the site. Let’s say it’s https://website.com and the offending “page” is https://website.com/help and there is no page named help.
WHAT IT DOES: When you go to https://website.com/help it redirects to [moderated] – WARNING! That IS a phishing site!
I have so far…..
1. Replaced all themes.
2. Replaced wp-admin and wp-ncludes folder with originals from 4.4.2
3. Deleted all plugins and checked (phishing still active) then replaced them.
4. Checked the entire site contents locally for base64 text and relevant strings/
5. Downloaded the SQL database file and searched with same methods above.
6. Checked HUNDREDS of files. directories, etc. but not all and didn’t keep perfect track of it, but tried to be very thorough.
This is a site on Bluehost and a subdomain, and I have three other sites on the same account. None of the other sites SEEM to be affected but then again I wouldn’t have even known about this except Google emailed me.
Does anyone have ANY suggestions as to where the offending code or hack could be? I have looked extensively online at many ways to repair other hacks but haven’t found one that has this non-existent URL issue attached to a phishing page.
ANY help or suggestions at ALL would be GREATLY appreciated, I have spent so much time on this that if I can’t get help from the WP community I will have to blow away everything and rebuild at least one and likely four sites from scratch again.
I do NOT want to do THAT.
Thanks in advance for any suggesitons!
]]>My problem is that:
When i click over Featured Image, Firebug consolé give me this error:
“ReferenceError: QTags is not defined
if (QTags && typeof QTags.addButton == ‘function’ ) { // WP 3.3+
post-n…e=slide (línea 563)”
On the other hand when i open make the click over the link of featured image it open the iframe but at full page, and when yo select your image, and click over “select as featured” the firebug console give me another error: “TypeError: d.WPSetThumbnailID is not a function
…ent(document.cookie)},function(b){var d=window.dialogArguments||opener||parent||…
load-s…r=3.8.1 (línea 5)
how can i fix this problem?
]]>In the General Settings you have “Site title” and “Tag line”.
My site title is this: Albin Loán
Tag line: I am what I love, music!
Uploaded with [URL=https://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]
Problem 1: Site title is now Albin Lon on my homepage. Can you please help me with this apostrophe thing? Spotify had this problem with apostrophe earlier and I made them fix the problem.
Tag line is with big letters when it shouldnt on my theme.
I’m using “The Lounge” theme.
Albin Loán