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When I updated it using fireftp, it caused the entire site to go blank. I then tried to replace it with the backup .htaccess I had created, and the problem remained. What am I doing wrong? Why does the backup version not work when it was working previously?
This is a link to my website
My problem is that my website https://www.prairiepariah.com is giving me the ol’ “404 Not Found” deal when I try to log into the wp-admin.php page.
Yesterday I had my website working. After fighting forever with it for no apparent reason it started working and I was able to finally finish installing wordpress and get my website somewhat up and running (after four days of trying). All I got to do was change the header image and background colour in the customize setting and then bam, “404 Not Found” strikes again.
I’m using DreamHost and FireFTP and everything seemed to be working just fine (for a few minutes anyways) until it randomly stopped working. Why would it do that?
I put it temporarily to “park” yesterday and shortly after had this happen. I took it off park today. I’ve read some other pages on 404 errors and some people say that with DreamHost you need to be patient and just give it time to process. This happened yesterday and it’s still not working. Does DreamHost or WordPress always do this kind of thing? I’m thinking I must have done something wrong but I don’t know what.
I’ve also been mindful on clearing cookies and deleting the cache, closing everything and restarting etc.
I also read about some people needing to disable plugins (found here: https://perishablepress.com/quickly-disable-or-enable-all-wordpress-plugins-via-the-database/ ) although this confused me. Do I do this thought DreamHost or FireFTP or what? Do I even need to do this? I don’t know. I should have mentioned that I’m new at this.
Sorry if this a tired problem, but a nagging one since there are a lot on the subject. I’ve browsed through them on the forum but it’s hard to tell since most problems seem unique to the individual. I would love your help because I don’t know where else to turn. I have no friends who understand websites and wasn’t taught this stuff in my design classes.
]]>I’m stuck at step 5! After I uploaded all of the wordpress files into a subdirectory the next step says to go to https://example.com/blog/wp-admin/install.php (with my domain name of course) and all it gives me is the “Domain not found” page over and over.
I’ve created a database with DreamHost and plugged in what I believe is the correct information in the wp-config.php file (as instructed in step 3). I tried it several times, each time clearing the files from the subdirectory and reinstalling it. I also deleted all of the wordpress files from my Mac and downloaded it again, this time not changing the config files like step 3 suggested. It still didn’t work! I’ve been looking up video tutorials on how to do this and followed them perfectly, only to face the dreaded “Domain not found” every time I thought I got it right.
I’m getting pretty frustrated with this whole thing. I only have a 2 week free trial with DreamHost and I’m ready to cancel with them if I can’t even get through the first five steps of installing wordpress. I really hope you guys can help me through this! I couldn’t find a post with this problem (unless it’s many pages back).
]]>I succesfully installed a new theme via FireFTP, but didn’t like it in the end so tried to install a new one. FireFTP now gives me the error message “the file already exists” each time I try to install a new theme and even when I press “overwrite” – I can no longer install any more new themes. Could anyone please help???
I’ve also noticed that with a new theme, all the wordpress pages become distorted and mis-aligned. Is this usual?
]]>I can′t figure out this problem. I will be very happy if someone can help me out of this tricky situation.
]]>What should I do to be able to activate them?