I need a little help. I’m using LiteSpeed Cache on https://comohacerlotodo.com/ but I noticed that now my finder does not work on homepage (on other pages yes).
Maybe you can help me to solve it, cheers!!!
]]>However, i dont know what plugin or what element I can use for that and by researching I haven’t found anything helpful – thus my question to you guys.
Here are two examples of similar “finders” (first one is in german):
Does anyone know where to begin or how this kind of finder is called so I can research a bit more on the topic? If anyone knows a good plugin that is very much appreciated as well of course:)
thanks in advance!
]]>This is breaking the page.
I realized that the file being loaded on the page is this:
<script type = text / template id = tmpl-elementor-templates-modal__header>
<div class = elementor-templates-modal__header__logo-area> </div>
<div class = elementor-templates-modal__header__menu-area> </div>
<div class = elementor-templates-modal__header__items-area>
<# if (closeType) {#>
<div class = "elementor-templates-modal__header__close elementor-templates-modal__header__close - <code>closeType</code> elementor-templates-modal__header__item">
<# if ('skip' === closeType) {#>
<span> Skip </span>
<#} #>
<i class = eicon-close aria-hidden = true title = Close> </i>
<span class = elementor-screen-only> Close </span>
<#} #>
<div id = elementor-template-library-header-tools> </div>
</script> <script type = text / template id = tmpl-elementor-templates-modal__header__logo>
<span class = "elementor-templates-modal__header__logo__icon-wrapper e-logo-wrapper">
<i class = eicon-elementor> </i>
<span class = elementor-templates-modal__header__logo__title> <code>title</code> </span>
</script> <script type = text / template id = tmpl-elementor-finder>
<div id = elementor-finder__search>
<i class = eicon-search> </i>
<input id = elementor-finder__search__input placeholder = "Type to find something in Elementor">
<div id = elementor-finder__content> </div>
</script> <script type = text / template id = tmpl-elementor-finder-results-container>
<div id = elementor-finder__no-results> No results found </div>
<div id = elementor-finder__results> </div>
</script> <script type = text / template id = tmpl-elementor-finder__results__category>
<div class = elementor-finder__results__category__title> <code>title</code> </div>
<div class = elementor-finder__results__category__items> </div>
</script> <script type = text / template id = tmpl-elementor-finder__results__item>
<a href="{{ url }}" class=elementor-finder__results__item__link>
<div class = elementor-finder__results__item__icon>
<i class = "eicon - <code>icon</code>"> </i>
<div class = elementor-finder__results__item__title> <code>title</code> </div>
<# if (description) {#>
<div class = elementor-finder__results__item__description> - <code>description</code> </div>
<#} #>
<# if (actions.length) {#>
<div class = elementor-finder__results__item__actions>
<# jQuery.each (actions, function () {#>
<a class="elementor-finder__results__item__action elementor-finder__results__item__action--{{ this.name }}" href="{{ this.url }}" target=_blank>
<i class = "eicon - <code>this.icon</code>"> </i>
<#}); #>
<#} #>
Thus, only by disabling the Elementor Plugin to make it disappear. I need to have pages that load and use elementor as much as I need pages that don’t load elementor’s files.
I already tried it with Asset Clean UP, but do not remove this JS either!
Please Help!
]]>Where an address is shown, is it possible to display a postcode lookup, so that when entered, it automatically populates the address fields when the user selects their house number?
Might be asking a bit much here, but thought I’d double-check.
Kind regards,
I am looking to use this plugin for a project I am trying to do. I wanted to know does this plugin allow me to have functions with the app to use the mobile device’s camera and location GPS?
Thank you,
Le’Verne Martin
WP 4.9.8
Elementor 2.3.0
Elementor Pro 2.1.12
Any help at all would be SO MUCH appreciated!
1) what shortcodes were REALLY used on my site since I wanted to clean some shortcodes that were registered but probably not used
2) what parameters the used shortcodes were using, specifically gravityforms ID (I did lot of split testing on that site so I didn’t want to forget an old form not using the correct shortcode parameter).
Highly recommended for cleanups and verifications of both shortcodes themselves, as well as shortcode’s parameters.