Can you guys help me out?
]]>in den beiden letzten Backup-Zip-Archiven fehlen Unterordner des Verzeichnisses \wp-content\themes.
In einem Backup-Archiv fehlen der Ordner des Original-Themes “zeefocus” und der Ordner des Kind-Themes “zeefocus-me-child”. In dem anderen Backup-Archive fehlte nur “zeefocus”, aber innerhalb des Ordners “zeefocus-me-child” fehlten immerhin noch die Unterorder “js” und “languages”.
Durch das Fehlen dieser Ordner bzw. der darin enthaltenen Dateien sind die Backups ziemlich wertlos, da der Server die WordPress-Installation nach dem (unvollst?ndigen) Wiederherstellen nicht startet.
Bei beiden Backups traten reichlich Probleme w?hrend der Komprimierung durch BackWPup auf. Die Log-Dateien z?hlten mehrfach “Job restarts due to inactivity…” auf, schlossen letztlich jedoch angeblich erfolgreich ab. Solcherlei Probleme hatte ich bereits hier vor 6 Monaten beklagt. Mein Hoster passte einige Parameter an, wodurch die Probleme verschwanden. Soll ich meinen Hoster erneut darum bitten?
K?nnen diese Probleme das Fehlen von Dateien und Ordner im Backup-Archiv verursachen, trotz dass BackWPup erfolgreiche Backups meldet?
line 562 in that php file is: “class W3_Config extends \W3TC\Config {”
NOTE: I confirmed that inside /wp-content, the expected /cache and /w3tc-config folder are both there. Likewise the advanced-cache.php file. So it’s not that.
Help please.
W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /home3/thor/
Fatal error: Class ‘W3TC\Config’ not found in /home3/thor/ on line 562
The USM premium icons plugin has completely disappeared from my local development site. I am also trying to download Supsystic Gallery with no luck, and I’m getting a 403 error message when I try to retrieve a token for the Instagram Pro.
Please help!
]]>Er is een fout opgetreden bij het bijwerken van Page Builder by SiteOrigin: Download mislukt. Not Found.
other plugins update fine.
The files that I upload from remote locations are not showing up in the media library.
Thanks in advance for your support,
Best Regards,
Rimzan Hassan
]]>A friend of mine had a running blog made with this great platform but suddenly(so he says) when he tried to enter it or the admin page the browser indicated the following error: “error establishing a database connection”. As he’s not a tech guy he asked me to help . I’m no expert in wordpress related issues but I know a few things about the web.
After seeing the error I googled a bit and found out that incorrect credentials may be the cause of this so I went off to try to view and edit the wp-config.php file. I got access to the cpanel (the blog is hosted on hostinger) so I can browse the site’s directories. To my surprise I found out that in the root or in the public_html folder there were no wp associated files or folders , no content , no includes , no themes , no nothing. I also used FileZilla with show hidden files flag activated but still no success. I then added the correct credentials to a database.php file found in root/config and now when I try to access the site it says “Oops , something went wrong”.
The problem is that I can’t debug the problem and don’t know why the wp files are missing. Any suggestions ?
Thank you for your time
]]>I am devastated and unsure what to do right now. I need it back up URGENTLY.
Is there anyone who can advise me.
]]>– I installed WordPress Flash Uploader 3.1.3 and activated it, but didn’t run any part of it
– Checked my site — no images showing! Media Library appears empty!
– Checked my …/uploads/ subfolders — all the jpg files are gone!
– Deactivated the plug-in
– Added the alternate cron line to wp-config.php
– FTP’d my back-up images up to the …/uploads/ subfolders
– Re-activated the plug-in
– Still no images showing on the site, and the Media Library appears empty
– Went to Dashboard / Media / Sync Media Library
– It shows many files to be imported, so I click “Import Files to Media Library” button
– It appears to import each file, and when it finished, it said that all files are in sync, 0 only in upload folders, 0 only in Media Library
– But still no images showing on the site, and the Media Library appears empty
– I went to the Sync Media Library page again, and now it says:
“No files found which are not already in the media library.”
Files in upload folder and media library which are in sync: 0
Files only in upload folder: 0
Files only in media library: 0
I can’t think of anything else to try, so tomorrow I’m going to rebuild the site from backups.
But if the detailed description of the problems above help point the way to any fixes to this plug-in, I’d still really like to use the Sync portion! (Not interested in the Uploader portion, so I’d like to see the two plug-ins offered separately.)