When I backup the two websites to my webhotel with the free version og Updraft, the files from peernetherning.dk are significantly smaller (alle 6 backupfiles are 291 mb) , the files from the smaller site fifs-herning.dk are 648 mb. I checked the settings for the plugin, and they are exactly the same. I also download both sites to local harddrive with filezilla – the same.
Plugin on both sites is version 1.24.11
Wp version for both is 6.7
All plugins are updated.
Google Chrome Version 131.0.6778.70
Windows Home 23H2
How come? And how do I find out if the backup is working in case I need it?
]]>I am doing a stock photo website, a basic one. I need to display the file type, dimension and file size as caption automatically, every time I upload an image in the media library. Example, I prefer it like this as caption:
File Type: image/jpeg | File Size: 300Kb | Dimension: 1920 x 1080 pixels
It is the same info that WordPress give when you upload an image or file in the Library. Is there a custom snippet I can insert in functions.php for this? I am ware there are EXIF plugins, but they are not giving me what I want. They are just displaying EXIF info which is irrelevant to my needs.
]]>I created a profile edit form where users can upload photos to their profile (not for their profile photo but a gallery).
I have tried the following:
1. Kept the upload settings to the default (1000px maximum width, uploaded images will be resized to this)
2. Changed the maximum width to 2000px so that uploaded images will be resized to this
I have also made the maximum file size 2000000 bytes which is 2mb.
In both cases, I cannot upload a picture that is around 600 bytes (less than 1 mb) and less than 2000 pixels wide. The “This image is too large!” error always appears.
Can you assist?
]]>However, I do have a suggestion, that being to show the file size for each item uploaded to the Media Library.
See below cod that I normally add to my functions.php file within my child theme:
// Add Media Library Column: File Size
/* ------------------------------------- */
add_filter('manage_upload_columns', 'ctm_add_column_file_size');
add_action('manage_media_custom_column', 'ctm_column_file_size', 10, 2);
add_action('admin_head', 'ctm_add_media_styles');
// Create the column
function ctm_add_column_file_size($columns)
$columns['ctmFilesize'] = __('File Size');
return $columns;
// Display the file size
function ctm_column_file_size($column_name, $media_item)
if ('ctmFilesize' != $column_name || !wp_attachment_is_image($media_item)) {
$ctmFilesize = filesize(get_attached_file($media_item));
$ctmFilesize = size_format($ctmFilesize, 2);
echo $ctmFilesize;
// Format the column width with CSS
function ctm_add_media_styles()
echo '<style>.column-ctmFilesize {width: 60px;}</style>';
/* ------------------------------------- */
Hopefully this can be added in an update.
]]>Any help would be highly apreciated!
]]>I would like to know how to decrease the maximum file size for uploads from 128MB to something like 4MB.
If you have a solution I really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance!
I request the developer to either reduce these requests/file sizes or offer users the option to disable functionalities that are not relevant. I would greatly appreciate it if you can optimize this plugin for a lighter load.