I would like to enquire if your plugin offers the following feature:
When an admin uploads a file from the back office and assigns it to a specific user, can the file be restricted so that only the logged-in user can view it at the frontend or within their WooCommerce “My Account” page?
If this feature is available, could you please provide documentation or a demo website link so we can review the plugin and confirm it meets our requirements?
Thank you for your assistance.
]]>The site allows image, video, and audio upload through rtMedia. I didn’t know if the other file types that people use for work (like CAD files for example) were scanned by jetpack.
I haven’t allowed it yet because I didn’t know how it worked. One Example site of mine is ColleagueChat (a work still in progress). Thanks, Peter
]]>Shared Files has saved us SO much work.
And the developer is incredibly responsive.
Even though we are just on a one month trial, he responded to a request fast, and even implemented a change in two days, so that we could present this system to a huge client of ours.
If you are a photographer, check this plug-in out.
]]>1) I do not know which question types are planned for future. I understand from a reply to a post here that, for example, “Essay” (or “Multi-line Text”) is already planned for the pro version. I believe one other very useful question type would be “Content” (as it appears in Lifter LMS) or “Description” (as in appears in Moodle [https://docs.moodle.org/311/en/Description_question_type]) or “Title” (as it appears in Forma LMS [https://docs.formalms.org/reference-guide/learning-objects/test.html]). This is not a question but a page where instructions, descriptions, media files, etc. can be added. It is extremely useful when, for example, a quiz consists of more than one section and when each section features different types of questions. When one section is over, instructions/explanations for the next section can be given in the “Content/Description” and this can be followed by section two, and so on. Also, it can be used – if it supports media files – for listening comprehension (students listen to or watch something and see the questions after that).
2) A “Ticket” system will be helpful for teachers and it will attract more people to Masteriyo. Users hardly know what lies behind a feature in a website. Teachers use Masteriyo (or any other script) but they do not anything about this script; therefore, they cannot make suggestions or send feedback – they need to contact the website administration for this. If the teacher is provided with a “Ticket” link in the course creation process (perhaps a pop-up button or a form partly visible on the right or left margin), they can then contact plugin developers directly whenever they face a problem, have a suggestion, etc. They will also know more about Masteriyo and will help spread the word.
]]>I’ve seen you have an extension to share private content but, does it allow to upload files (such as PDFs or excels) and share them? or it is just for sharing text in the editor?
Thank you very much!
Have a nive day,
I am working on an Intranet site with the LDAP/AD for login plugin.
Would it be possible to configure Frontend File Manager Plugin so that the roles of the AD are the same ?
My final goal is to create a file sharing platform with restricted deletion or modification access according to each AD group.
Thank you
]]>I would like to share about 500-700 files to users through wordpress. I need plugin where I can upload multiple files at once and then share it to logged users and set monthly download limit for some logged user to 5 per month and 10 per month for other.
Do you know any plugins? Maybe outside WordPress?
thanks, Darek