I have a website which is designed on MyListing theme.
Users create their own listings and I have set it up so that they can upload their own files, most specificlly a PDF of their qualification.
At the moment, I have to go into the back end to find their listing. I then have to copy their file URL, use a plugin called simple download monitor and the create a shortcode to paste back into their listing.
I am looking at having developed a way where a user can fill in their listing, upload PDF and set their own password. This will then automatically publish on their profile with the password protection in place.
I have no idea where to start so any help or ideas would be massively appreciated!
]]>Though client area will be password protected, occasionally, wp accounts get hacked even on best hostings with 0 plugins on the site. So, there is gonna have to be an extra layer of protection offered by this service, easily integrated with my site.
The plan is to have up to 10000 users on this site. So, I’m also going to need a way to assign my uploads to each of them. Each of my site’s accounts will need individual access protected.
Has anyone heard of any services like this?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I did a test run by uploading one of my graphics to mediafire and pasting the link into the file download path. The file seemed to download fun when I did a dummy sale at the checkout, but when I tried to open the downloaded file, it wouldn’t work.
Yesterday I launched a range of free-to-download graphics for a charitable cause and they’ve been going like hotcakes. Unfortunately this is already beginning to chew into my monthly bandwidth allowance, and i can see my site having to go offline (or me having to purchase extra bandwith) within a fortnight!
I know I could just by-pass the checkout and the paste the download link into the product description, but I like using the checkout to keep track of which graphics are actually being downloaded by people. :/
]]>Any suggestion?
]]>And if not WordPress, please suggest/recommend a free file hosting script that does all that given above. Something like, goo.im, androtransfer.com etc.
Thanks a lot!
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]]>There is a php script i would like to use with my wordpress instance. Its a file storage php script. Any suggestion on should i do it ? So that i dont loose the layout and users stick to my wordpress instance do stuffs ?
This is the script i would like to use with my wordpress instance – https://xtrafile.com
Any suggestions will be great. Thanks
]]>I’m planning on releasing a software trial for download on my site. What I need is a plugin that:
1. Provides a form for user to fill in some details
2. Sends me an email about the user’s registration
3. Sends the user a unique download link (preferably one that expires)
4. Store the registration details in a database
5. Other download monitoring capabilities.
Is there anything out there that you guys are aware of?
Thank You.