Long story short – since a couple of months back I’m running my own auction company. As such I threw together a very basic website using some ready to go-parts.
The plan being that I will be looking more into this as time presents itself.
As is it works sort of alright, but needs work here and there.
The first and foremost being our form for appraisals of possible incoming goods. It works fine in the sense that all messages go through.
Only problem is that attached files doesn’t.
Me being fairly naive thought that it was just a case of pulling ‘Add file’ form objects into the form.
But I now realize there’s more to it than that. I’ve tried to read through some tutorials but am still striking out.
I would be much obliged if anyone could take the time to, in layman’s terms, go through the basics.
]]><label>frontale braccia rilassate
[file* your-file-1 filetypes:pdf|png|jpg]</label>
<label>di profilo braccia sollevate in avanti
[file* your-file-2 filetypes:pdf|png|jpg]</label>
<label>di schiena braccia rilassate
[file* your-file-3 filetypes:pdf|png|jpg]</label>
in mail I put that.
I don’t receive the attachments
I don’t receive the text from this two field.
<label>Il tuo Nome: [text* your-name] </label>
<label>La tua Età: [text* your-age] </label>
Nome: [your-name]
Età: [your-age]
what happened?
]]>Contact form version is : 4.5
WordPress version is: 4.9.16
Here is my code
[file my-file filetypes:pdf|txt|docx|xlsx|jpg limit:2mb]
and added the below settings
Go to your WP Dashboard > Contact > Contact Forms
Click to Edit the form (which has the file attached option)
Go to Mail tab. At the bottom is File Attachments text area, add this: [my-file]
Can anyone help with this please?
]]>Also, about 25% of the time I get a file that won’t open and has zero bytes as it’s file size. That’s a separate, but equally important problem. Any help on either of these issues would be greatly appreciated!
]]>In other words: when the form is filled out and submitted, it uploads the attached file(s) to the temp folder, the success message is shown, the mail is sent and I can see the uploaded files in the /wp-content/uploads/wp_dndcf7_uploads/wpcf7-files/ folder. So the form itself seems to be working. But the received eMails only contain the text of the form fields, but not the attached files!
I checked everything, even the short code for the attachments in the email-tab of cf7 is correct (otherwise it wouln’t even upload the files to the temp-folder).
When I check the submitted forms via the “Flamingo”-plugin, I can see the mails text AND the correct link to the temp-folder, from where I even can open the uploaded files.
But when I call up my mails, the do not contain the attached file. Even the confirmation copy to the sender, which is in a complete different mailing-domain, doe not contain the files, so I can exclude an antivirus software or some network or firewall rule from being the reason.
I tried to downgrade cf7 temporarily to a former version, but this didn’t change anything. So my guess is, the problem does not arise from the plugin itself. But what could it be then?
Besides a related question: the attachments in the cf7-temp-upload folder seem to get deleted from time to time automatically. So after a while I even can’t get access to the attachments in that way any more. Does anyone know where to control this behaviour?
Any help greatly appreciated!
THX Christian
there is an error appearing on the attachment file names at the course content: The first letter of the file name is deleted.
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/ZdMznt1
Attachment Filename in the Backend and the URL itself is right.
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/m6nc4SF
But generated wrong in the html code:
<div class="tutor-assignment-attachments">
<p class="attachment-file-name">
<a href="https://coach-on.de/wp-content/uploads/Reflexionsaufgabe.docx" target="_blank">
<i class="tutor-icon-attach"></i><strong> eflexionsaufgabe.docx</strong></a>
Should be “Reflexionsaufgabe.docx”.
Do you have any fix for that?
I add a jpeg file, and the file is not send on the order notification email for shop admin, nor is available on Woocommerce > Orders, or anywhere in Cpanel.
Where is the file supposed to be uploaded to?
Any ideas why this is not working?
Thanks in advance for the help!
]]>4.2.1 worked well and when I updated to 4.2.2 it created file attachment issues
(it did not attach only signature image, other attachments work normally) and I had to go back to 4.2.1.
Just notifying you that this kind of problem exists.
]]>I would like to ask if there’s a way to attach files in the email based on the radio button that the user selects? or base it on the page where the contact form is displayed?
Currently, I need to create multiple forms based on the pages.
What I’m trying to achieve is create a form that can send different file attachments based on the radio button.
Thank you in advanced.