Related to this, is there a plugin that can put a title over any block? For example, the code block doesn’t have a title but I like to set a title like “Example Code”.
The Infogram (chart) gets removed when published to Apple News:
Is there a way to get Infograms (or other javascript embeds) to transfer over to Apple News?
Thanks for the help.
]]>I have been able to recreate this myself on many occasions. I have tried using a default wordpress theme like twenty twenty. I have tried deactivating all plugins except for LifterLMS and I have checked my internet connection for issue. None of these have worked. Please Help my students are getting upset.
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Template Overrides
]]>I guess it is somewhere deep in the css file.
mobilepress plugin has an acceptable solution for this: it scales all figures to fill the whole space horizontally. This at least avoids the ugly white space next to a figure and the ugly start of the text after the figure