We would like to import XML feed from the supplier (1500 products), but they have some unusual “Title” of the product.
For example (it’s in Czech, sorry guys):
KID2/1500, Instala?ní rozměr (y): 1300–1510, Profil: Brillant, Typ: KID2/1500, Vstupní otvor (c): 460–660, Vyplň: Transparent, Vy?ka (h): 2000 mm, Zp?sob
I would like to use only the first part in front of the comma: “KID2/1500”. The other words are about the length, color, type, height, and shipping…
Could you please give me some advice, how to deal with it?
Thank you, guys
Please look at https://neohioscca.com/ and https://neohioscca.com/6-tips-for-maintaining-your-soloautox-car/
I’m happy to create an admin account for you if that will help.
Thank you.
]]>I have the issue that my feeds are not imported. It had worked in the past, but somehow, since the transformation of the API it seems that they are not working any more for us.
How can we debug this? And or has this to be fixed in the API backend.
Our login is: [email protected]
We do see the message ‘You are signed in to Timely Network as [email protected]’ in the settings screens.
The two external sources are:
Both are also All in one Calendar plugin latest version. (Multi site setup)
I have created a new event on the Groningen version, but it does not show up in our main site. Also manual refreshing is saying 0 events imported.
Any help would be nice.
]]>Import feed shows no events for import, ICS file are full of events.
whats wrong, why doesent work anymore?
]]>I cannot get rid of the duplicate posts. One of the feeds has at the moment 153 items. The item in question appears only one time. The shortcode displays the last 5 items (it’s one of them) normally. And at the same time I have 5 posts with that item through AutoPost. This happens at irregular intervals with different feeds. Sometimes 2, somwtimes 3, but now even 5 posts of the same content. The posts are exactly the same and point to the same permalink, of course (they have differing permalinks at my site but point to the same permalink off-site).
WP 4.0
RSS Multi Importer 3.11
Feeds updated every 30 min
Max number to import: 20
Remove older items after: 7 days
Autopost every 10 min
Number of items per feed: 2
Total number of items: 50
Would you kindly try to help me with this?
]]>Even though I’ve scrubbed the posts from the database, I can’t seem to get this to reset – can you tell me how to reset whatever flags it’s using? I just want to re-import the latest 10 posts on each feed.