Now my existing calendar feed just shows “Back September Next”. See:
Nothing has changed with the page shortcode or the feed itself. I tried switching to the simple display options to troubleshoot it, but it makes no difference.
Any ideas?
]]>This has happened to me twice now on two independent sites with different INK361 logins.
After a few weeks of the widget working normally the images suddenly stop coming in. I have it configured for a horizontal slide show.
Last time I solved the problem by making new INK361 accounts and reregistering. This is a bit inconvenient. Do you have any ideas about what might be going wrong? The widget is just under the “Subscribe Now” button. That empty space is usually occupied by an Instagram slide show.
Server returned HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
My feed was:
Checked the forums & tried a few things, but can’t find anything that helps solve the problem.
Does anyone know if anything happened around that date? I didn’t change anything as I was away on leave all of Aug & Sep 2013.
Thanks & Regards,
Any one have any ideas?
]]>It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. I looked for a feed associated with this page, but couldn’t find one. Please enter the address of your feed to validate.
and I even tried resyncing my feed and got this message:
The URL you entered does not appear to be a valid feed. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 18: The element type “meta” must be terminated by the matching end-tag “</meta>”.
Any help would be really really appreciated. I’m new to WP but I have over 3,000 subscribers so I really need my rss to work.
My site feed is not working. Please check the URL:
The error i get is ” XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity Location:
Line Number 4, Column 1:<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>”
I checked the php files for blank lines and didn’t find any. I have also installed a number of plugins to fix this such as 1. “Fix Rss Feeds” 2.”RSS Image Feed ” 3. ” SuperRSS by Leo Balter” and 4.”Broken Rss Feed Fixer”. Nothing seems to fix the feed problem at
Broken Rss Feed Fixer plugin created an but it didn’t update all the posts in the xml file. It also doesnt show the posts by post date.
Can anyone help me with this.
1. How to fix my feed problem ?
2. If the 1 is not possible how to fix the rss.xml created by “Broken Rss Feed Fixer” plugin to show all the posts feed and by post date in order.
Thank you very much.
]]>Now I went to see what the issue was and I was given this message:
“FeedBurner had trouble retrieving your Source Feed:
The error message is:
Error on line 394: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed.
Actions you can take:
Validate your Source Feed with Feed Validator. This service provides additional detail about the problem, and how to repair it.
Resync your FeedBurner feed once you have repaired the source feed.”
I went to Feed Validator and this is what it said when I tried to validate (link here):
“This feed does not validate.
line 394, column 0: XML parsing error: <unknown>:394:0: junk after document element [help]
<script language=”javascript” SRC=” …
In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.
line 203, column 0: content:encoded should not contain iframe tag [help]
<p><iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=” …
line 368, column 3: content:encoded should not contain relative URL references: [help]
original RSS:
Feedburner RSS: RSS (not sure if this matters): feed://
I have no clue what to do, PLEASE HELP!
And then feed validator gives me this error:
What can I do to fix this? Been trying way too long and I’ve gotten nowhere.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!