I would appreciate if there were the possiblillity to use seperate pages for the EventPrime calenda an the single event view. For example then it could be possible to place a “back to calendar”-link to the single event page.
]]>is it possible to use free Maps in EventPrime? The in the docs suggested way via Google-API will produce a monthly usage-fee which I can′t calculate. So i would prefer the use of obenstreetmaps for example.
In my opinion could also a solution be, if the label of the existing Links coul be changed. So i could insert a Google-Maps URL in the Facebook-link and name the label of the “show on Google Maps”.
With this feature i also could use the Instagram URL for a link to a Telegram group.
What do you think?
greetings Torsten
]]>I am a happy Pro user and would love it if ASE had a feature for “changing” the original filename on file upload. Currently, I am using my own solution, but I think it would be a great feature for ASE Pro.
add_filter('wp_unique_filename', function($filename, $ext) {
$uniqueName = bin2hex(random_bytes(16));
$filename = $uniqueName . $ext;
return $filename;
}, 10, 2);
Thank you for your awesome work <3
]]>Thanks for your consideration!
]]>EDIT! This feature has been successfully added! You creators are AWESOME! Thanks for listening.
]]>There is no need to load the JavaScript and CSS on pages that do not have forms to apply the protection to.
So I would like to suggest/request the option to blacklist/whitelist specific pages.
Ideally, I would like to have an argument to wp_mail to choose if a call to wp_mail should return immediately and the email is sent asynchronously.
I am sending emails with attachments and it takes a long time before a page refreshes while it’s completely okay in my case for the emails to be delivered a little later.