My website is currently private, as I am still working on it and will contain a login for various different users to access different areas of the WordPress.
This has not interfered in anything, but I am mentioning it incase anyone needs to actively view my WordPress at some point to see what is going on.
I have a Static Homepage called ‘Home’ which is a page, which is the front page, and will contain different links for people to click on – employer, employee, subscriber etc. So currently ‘Home’ is not the main posts page.
I have a Static Posts page called ‘Posts’ which is a page, but which is not the front page, and will contain the main posts of my WordPress.
The theme that I am using is Opulence by Pipdig
As you can see on the featured theme above, there is an option for a featured slider. There are also additional options (not currently featured on that demo above) for Featured Categories, Featured Images etc.
On Customiser by default, the theme has it’s own options to feature these – but the widgets will only appear on the Front Page or Every Page – static page, posts or whatever is the default for the ‘Front Page.’
So I went under the Widgets section instead and tried to feature some other parts of the theme – Random Posts, Popular Posts, other installed plugin features etc.
These display successfully on the Front Page, but when I tick the Conditional Widgets box underneath each widget to ‘Hide on Front Page’ and ‘Show on Posts’ only, nothing appears. I must be doing this wrong, so could you please advise me?
Thanks kindly.
]]>If I click 15 to 20 times on carousel arrow in featured slider section it stops sliding and autoplay as well.
I am not a developer but I think bxslider needs to be updated to its latest version
]]>Can you tell me where I go to make that image clickable (like the text is), or what CSS code, or PHP code I need to add.
Thanks guys,
Is there an easy way to make this happen?
]]>I just want to ask about your featured slider in Pro version. Can I set how many recent post I wanted to display in featured slider? Or just 5 is the maximum like in free version?
]]>I use the Ashe theme pro.
In the free version you can choose on wich page the Featured Slider is shown.
I can’t find that parameter in de pro version.
Would it be possible to choose on wich page it is shown?
Can you please help me with this?
]]>However, when I login to the backend, and go to “customize” it shows the slider, i make some tweaks to that widget (hoping to wake it up), click publish, and when looking at the frontend the slider still doesn’t show. Any ideas guys?
Thanks you so much,