I am using the following:
Generatepress – version 3.3.0
Jet Pack Boost – with image guide switched on
TinyPNG for image compression
WordPress image sizes are set to Large – 1200 x 1200, Medium 300 x 300 and Thumbnail 150 x 150.
Generatepress – customize, blog, images for Archives, Posts & Pages are set to 500 x 300
Is there a particular size I should be using as the ‘featured image’ (landscape) on each post? I ask because when I look at my home page [ https://superbsalt.com ] on my desktop the images appear to be okay.
BUT, when I view an individual post such as [ https://superbsalt.com/best-substitutes-for-garlic-powder/ ] the image guide is saying they are too large. Also, it affects images included within the post (portrait).
I have also noticed that if I reduce my desktop screen size the file dimensions for the image get worse. Does that make sense?
I have 54 articles already published but I feel this needs to be addressed before I publish any more.
Also Ahrefs indicates that the ‘html to text ratio’ is wrong – not sure if I need to open another query for that too???
Can someone please let me know what am I doing wrong?
Thanks for looking at this.
]]>first of all, i’m really novice in coding…
When you see my post, the image size is weird. i tried to update my php file with “set_post_thumbnail_size( 50, 50, true ); // 50 pixels wide by 50 pixels tall, crop mode” but i still cant crop my feature image..
i also tried to changing the image size in setting but nothing changed.
Pls help.
]]>What can I do?
Please help me guys
Using WP 6.0 with Twenty Twenty Two theme.
Thank you.
]]>Sorry to ask, but I could not find an answer to this anywhere. I’m building a site where I can shere my stories. Some are short, some are big stories. My problem is that my featured inmages should look like book covers and not be cropped as they are.
The best look would be something like Wattpad or Sweek interface where featured image is shown as a book cover (the sane aspect ratio). Thare should be no excerpts, unless mouse hover over the image, or the excerpts should be at the side of the imagem without forcing the image to crop.
I’m not sure if there is a theme that already do that or if I could get it easily done with Author Pro (there is no place to test if I can achieve it before buying), but I’m no coder and I’m no able to get it done with a child theme.
So, my questions are:
1. Is it possible to get it done with Author Theme?
2. If not, would it be possible with Author Pro (at least in an easier way)?
3. If not, is there any other theme that do this even though I love Author?
Thanks a lot,
– Daniel Bittar.
FEATURE Request: It would be great to be able set a different background for each category while generating images from title.
]]>I’ve been rebuilding my website with the Newses and Newsup theme..
Haven’t made up my mind yet but Newses is a very good candidate.
However I’m still struggling with some of the options and maybe it is because I’m using the free and not the PRO edition.
And Since I’m still making my mind up, buying it now might be a bit too soon as I’m still haven’t made up my mind.
if you see my current website https://safeunderdark.com you can see it is totally different than the Newses or Newsup for that matter.
but okay, the Question is..
What are the best dimensions to use on the header and the featured images to be used.
I’m getting some weird results in using the images I have now
Header images : 1800 x 1200
full HAD 1920 x 1080
For the featured image I use all sorts of image sizes some are good
but some completely of the charts and look weird in the slider or the main page..
Please advice what to do best.
Also I’ve checked both theme’s documentation but was unable to find any’standard size advice..
Question 2: how do I change the basic purple color? or is that a Pro feature?
Other than that, I think this there rocks!
Thank you.