The current setup has Featured Events displayed on every page above the footer by including
‘<?php get_template_part(‘template-parts/global/upcoming-events’); ?>’
in the Single Venue Template Page Template in
theme files/template-parts
What I am trying to do is filter the Featured Events displayed on each page by Venue.
So my question is how do I go about this? I’ve looked into all of the short codes, I know what I need but I don’t know HOW to do it. I would like the Featured Events to remain displayed where they are, just above the footer.
Problem is entering short code here only only results in printing the string literal. Any advice is welcomed. I’m fine with creating an if-else function somewhere if that’s what I need to do, I just have no idea where to put it.
]]>I use a PRO version, updated. Here is a test page
I use for featured:
[events-calendar-templates category=”all” template=”grid-view” style=”style-1″ date_format=”MD,YT” limit=”8″ order=”ASC” hide_venue=”no” time=”all” columns=”4″ featured_only=”true” show_description=”yes” tags=”ny” socialshare=”no”]
and for all
[events-calendar-templates category=”all” template=”grid-view” style=”style-1″ date_format=”MD,YT” limit=”8″ order=”ASC” hide_venue=”no” time=”all” columns=”4″ featured_only=”false” show_description=”yes” tags=”ny” socialshare=”no”]
Let’s see one example:
this event is not featured, but he is displayed by the 1st shortcode
Your helpdesk doesn’t work (whole site is under construction), so cannot submit a ticket.
Thank you
]]>What I want to do is that when I check the custom field to set a feature event in editor, then it shows as features events on screen.
So where can I find this solution?
I use custom slider skin and MEC pro. Unfortunately, I cannot send you a link as the website is protected.
I would appreciate that if you would give me any advice or help.
Thank you in advance.
[ecs-list-events featured_only='true' limit='1' venue='true' thumb='true']
to display one featured event on the home page. The current even showing has been unchecked as featured and a different event has been marked as featured yet the site hasn’t updated. We’ve cleared cache and have tried several browsers with same results. I increased the limit to 10 and it actually pulls many other events that are NOT marked as featured. This seemed to have been working when we initially set it up. All plugins and WP core are up-to-date running latest versions. Any help resolving this would be appreciated.
]]>When I run my website thru the
I get the following message:
We recommend you correct the following:
Elements must have sufficient color contrast
Impact: Serious
HTML identified by this check:
7th Annual Hot Jazz Jubilee
I have not tweaked the calendar colors in any way. Apparently the medium blue background with white text does not comply. I tried to implement the solution I found in another forum thread, but it made it worse. It changed all the backgrounds (not just the featured)
Personally, I’d recommend that you fix this for everyone by changing the default color, but if not, how can I get Navy Blue as the featured background without changing anything else.
]]>We’ve added the calendar within a wordpress template with the shortcode [tribe_events category="examplecategory"]
which outputs as a monthly calendar.
As soon as you start navigating through the months, the featured events start showing again after refreshing with AJAX.
Is there a simple fix for this?
]]>I tried to search to see if this is something that’s already discussed or requested. I didn’t find anything specific so I am submitting a forum request.
We have several clients who would love to have the option to control the colors for Featured Events in the same way they control category colors.
I know this plugin is specific to categories. However, would it be too far off to request the option to control the Featured Events colors?
Please let us know if this is a feature request you can add to your plugin.
Thanks in advance,
Miah Morshed
On the home page there is a section entitled “Featured Events” right above the footer. We have been able to highlight events there by clicking on the “Feature Event” checkbox in the Event Options sidebar while editing an event.
For some reason the events no longer show up unless the Start/End date is earlier than 11/16/2017 in the “The Events Calendar” section. For instance, an event that has “Feature Event” checked but a Start/End date of 11/17/2017 won’t show up. If I change the date to 11/16 it will show.
Any help would be appreciated.
$events = tribe_get_events( array(
'tax_query' => array(
'taxonomy' => 'tribe_events_cat',
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => 'featured',
'operator' => 'IN'
'posts_per_page' => -1
]]>Basically, I want to be able to feature events with minimal interruption to their styling–maybe only a border box or something. Why feature them, then? Because for the widget, I have selected the option to ‘Limit to Featured Events Only’ in order to avoid non-featured events from showing on the front page.
So, is there any easy way to “reset” the featured events styling so that nothing is applied unless I explicitly define it? Thanks in advance for your help.