1. How do i attach this Code snippet’s functionality to be triggered on image href click? I tried this in a hook. The link is showing but its not executing the function:
<div> this is a <a href="[xyz-ips snippet='test-xyz-php']">link</a></div>
–> The snippet is taken from my old question.
2. How to use “Code snippet” to show those on the same blog list front page instead of opening the “category page” (list of posts from that category)?
I have created the PHP code snippet using this:
Thanks for your help on this question:
This new question is related to the old question.
Two days ago I installed the theme Advertica Lite.
My client loves it and considers the purchase of the Pro version, but wants to start with the Lite version and then upgrade to Pro (may be with the offered testing phase).
After installation we tried to change the featured boxes image mask.
We want the look of the features as they currently look (the hexagon standing on a corner) to like to look like my client’s logo (a honeycomb, also a hexagon, but with rounded corner and standing on a side, not a corner).
Therefore I did the following:
I searched for the mask and found the image
I replaced this png image by a png image with the mask shaped like the logo and I gave the file same name:
Usually such is enough to change icons or masks – I did such in other themes already and this worked.
Unfortunately it seems to be not enough in Advertica Lite. The Featured Boxes area still looks the same as before in the original theme I had uploaded, although I have replaced the mask image.
Is there a tweak I have to to anywhere else? I some …php file?
If yes, may I ask you to please instruct me where I have to do/change/add/remove what? Cogde? PHP? CSS? I searched like hell but found nothing.
I had an image explaining the issue a bit, but found no possibility to upload it here.
Unfortunately I can’t give a link here as the website is currently not visible for the public (it’s on the server but password protected). I will gladly give a link when it’s public. Other users will then see what I have changed and profit from what you told me to do. OK?
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards
I have a very strange problem with one of my featured boxes. I fixed a spelling error on friday in the console, it was a only a little thing so thought nothing of it.
This morning I’ve come in to work to find that the change shows up when I’m logged in to the management console through my hosting provider, but the old incorrect spelling still shows up when you access the site any other way.
Site is here. Spelling error is on the middle featured box – should read “Dedicated”, not “Deciated”.
I have tried the usual flushing caches etc. The change was originally made before the weekend so can’t be a problem with waiting for it to replicate (if that can even be a problem). I’m a bit lost as to what else it could be!
]]>Couple Questions:
1. In the pro version, can I have 6 featured boxes on the front page instead of the 3 that are in the regular version?
2. Can I have the static heater like the regular version and not the slider?
3. Can I get rid of the post completely on the home page? I just want the header and 6 featured boxes. That’s it. Is that possible?
I’ve already worked my website in the regular version. If I update to Pro, will it make the website I have worked on go wonky at all?
]]>I was wondering whether it is possible to translate custom sections of invert lite theme by WPML? What is the way to do so? In fact when featured boxes are open, in the wordpress top menu I can choose chinese, but if then I put in the translation, featured boxes will be displayed in chinese on the english pages, too. Thanks a lot in advance for your advice, regards,
]]>I am building a site using the Goran theme. It’s supposed to have three ‘featured pages’ boxes at the bottom of the front page. I have activated the pages that I’d like to be featured using the appearance>customize>theme options, then the Front Page: Features drop downs. Everything is selected appropriately, and still they aren’t showing up. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling. Nada.
Anyone know what I’m doing wrong? Thanks!
]]>I need featured-boxes with three rows and three column.
Thanks for reply.
]]>Also I did some further reading under the topic Child Theme and I’ve read the link the support team suggested to the person posting and my problem again is I do not know how to get to the “directory” I’ve googled my questions also but the only help I can find just refers me back to these threads. I really appreciate all your help with my questions.
Thank you
Thanks for taking the time to read.