Here is a link,
]]>Here’s my website. . I’m not good with coding and that’s why I can’t tell where to start working on this. For now, you just have to go to blog page, then click one of the articles and you’ll see how the content layout and side bar layout looks like.
I haven’t really figured out why my home page layout is similar to my blog page layout but it’s for a different thread and question. lol.
I was told that if I change the width size then, I would have to touch the header size, and so many things. I don’t know what they are. I’d appreciate if someone can help me with this problem of mine.
I’m using the Fashionista theme.
Thanks in advance and happy new year to all.
]]>2376111Read more
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at public_html/wp-content/themes/fashionistas/inc/widgets/widget-preview-post.php:141) in public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1228
I have accessed this particular file and checked code line 141 where it says this:
echo $instance[$athemes_widgets_name];
Anyone know what’s going on here? Please help me, noobie with regards to php…
]]>For now, I suppose I’ll create a link in the menu to the latest posts and title it, “Home” or “Blog”. Is that the normal way to do it? I’ve been using self-hosted WordPress for a couple years, but never run into this, so am unsure.
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I just uploaded a new post to my blog, and I have a trouble with the featured image size. Only a part of the image is shown on the home page. Can you please help me? I am using Fashionista theme.
Here is my blog:
Thank you in advance,
I’m using the Fashionsita Child Theme from the Theme Directory and running the latest version of WordPress 4.3.1
I tried deactivating inactive plugins, deleted and re-uploaded image with new description, checked the forums to see if I can figure out how to fix it myself, checked the theme functions on my site, and I STILL can’t fix it.
Any suggestions? This is my first website so I’m trying to figure things out.
]]>Can I please know how to fix the featured image size, the image always gets cut and doesn’t look great in the posts. Can I customize this in any way? My website is
]]>I have been using the fashionista theme for my blog for the past three months and I have never had issues with it. However I went on my site today and noticed it was upgraded to 4.3.1 and now all my featured images are cropped extremely small and I have no idea what to do or how to fix it!
Can someone please help me!?!?
Please check out my website:
If anyone knows how to fix this issue please let me know
Thank you!!!!
]]>I have been using the fashionista theme for my blog for the past three months and I have never had issues with it. However I went on my site today and noticed it was upgraded to 4.3.1 and now all my featured images are cropped extremely small and I have no idea what to do or how to fix it!
Can someone please help me!?!?
Please check out my website:
If anyone knows how to fix this issue please let me know
Thank you!!!!