“Wczytanie si? nie powiod?o dla elementu ?script” ze ?ród?em ?https://prawko.pl/wp-content/uploads/uag-plugin/assets/1000/uag-js-592.js?ver=1731695144”.
Error: Promised response from onMessage listener went out of scope
Load failed for element “script” with source “https://prawko.pl/wp-content/uploads/uag-plugin/assets/1000/uag-js-592.js?ver=1731695144”.
Error: Promised response from onMessage listener went out of scope
Update – i managed to take screenshot and new error occured:
https://ibb.co/G2NnGz2 – this is how it crash
https://ibb.co/kqbPNcZ – this should be correct
New error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () uag-css-592.css:1
We’re sorry for the inconvenience. Please try reloading the page, or you can get support from the community forums.Get SupportReload PageClick for error details
ChunkLoadError: Loading chunk 4940 failed.
at Lazy at Suspense at div at Tr (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/app/index.js:2:540470) at div at sw (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-includes/js/dist/components.min.js:34:226008) at lw (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-includes/js/dist/components.min.js:34:226686) at dw (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-includes/js/dist/components.min.js:34:227033) at w (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/admin-layout/index.js:1:1989) at Or (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/app/index.js:2:541064) at Ir (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/app/index.js:2:540858) at https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/app/index.js:2:544170 at https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-includes/js/dist/data.min.js:9:3292 at WithSelect(Component) (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-includes/js/dist/compose.min.js:9:18934) at Tu (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/data/index.js:2:134861) at O (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/app/index.js:2:439453) at I (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/app/index.js:2:438894) at a (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/app/index.js:2:433405) at https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/app/index.js:2:544423 at _u (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/data/index.js:2:135938) at https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/data/index.js:2:132813 at https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/data/index.js:2:132813 at https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/data/index.js:2:134035 at Ca (https://gloriaschoice.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/app/index.js:2:555556)Ask AI
]]>My import for my client’s website has been stuck at 99% overnight and now the website is simply 404’ing when I try to access it in another browser. I’m not sure how best to proceed…
Thanks for any help you can provide
]]>i am trying to connect this site to my wordpress by using webflow pages plugin but even though i tried all read only access and only cms and sites read only access or any other way but it says: Unexpected token ”, “?”… is not valid JSON
i don’t know why and couldn’t find the answer in the forum please help
We have been using the plugin for a while and keep having problems with orders that do not go directly to processing and are sent from the warehouse as usual.
The order notes then say “customer aborted purche with klarna” and orders are “pending” for ages.
However, customers don’t seem to notice that the payment has failed.
So after a few weeks without any progress on the order, we receive an inquiry from the customer and embarrassingly have to admit that they should pay again because we didn’t realize that it didn’t work.
Other payment methods set the order status to “failed” if the payment fails.
We already have an automatic mechanism that sends customers an email when the order is changed from “on hold” or “pending” to “failed”.
However, this does not work with Klarna because Klarna leaves the order status on “pending”.
How can we get Klarna – like the other payment service providers – to set an order to “failed” if something goes wrong with the payment?
We have faced with a situation where the Advance Cron Manager had stopped suddenly causing a huge business impact. After that we do a changes on Wp-config file with DISABLE_WP_CRON = true, then its working smoothly. But we would want to understand what has caused this error to help us avoid doing things which causes the plugin to disable itself.
Please help out us with your suggesstions.
I suddenly seen this message on top of the admin page of wordpress that installed in localhost activated via xampp. how can i resolve it?
]]>” WooCommerce?(pref)_wc_reserved_stock?table creation failed. Does the?root?user have CREATE privileges on the?(dbname)?database? “