How can we edit the Factors on our site without updating the live site? We have considered creating duplicates of each site and editing the duplicate as a draft, but we have been told that will change the URL and buttons for those who have bookmarked out site. Is there any other work around.
Thank you
]]>The ratings below are a rounded off value based on a weighted average of ratings for the factors ;
version 3.8.0 R = 2 (2.1) Comments – see below
version 3.7.0 R = 2 (2.0) Minor visual improvements, common tools not at hand, “H”eading icon is a “T”, some tools at bottom of screen could be in top bar or toolbar, large number of bugs fixed.
version 3.6.2 R = 2 (1.9) Minor Visual improvements
version 3.6.1 R = 2 (1.8) Minor Visual improvements
version 3.6 R = 2 (1.8)
version 3.5 R = 2 (1.5)
version 3.4 R = 1 (1.3)
(note – if it is possible to update the star rating, then this rating will reflect the most recent rating of the most recent Gutenberg version tested and assessed)
Keep up the good work on this mammoth project.
Some thoughts for the process of ‘Beta Testing’
a) As well as listing new features, and fixed bugs, in the details of the latest release, it is handy to list some of the significant newly discovered bugs, and pre-existing significant bugs that are yet to be fixed. This helps the would be beta tester make decisions about the risk and consequences that they are prepared to commit their testing efforts to.
b) If there are certain conditions that are known to cause significant problems, then it would be helpful to have the plugin test for those conditions, and notify the user, ‘before’ they start using the plugin for production purposes.
This would be particularly useful for checking conditions that lead to hanging, or white screens, or unable to save or update. The plugin could be run the test using dummy data, either during install, or after activation, but in any case gets done prior to the user starting to edit their own pages.
The test could use a timer, that de-activates the plugin if the test is not completed satisfactorily in time, and the user is notified of the failed test, and maybe given some tips as to how to make adjustments to their system if they wish to continue.
A recent example of how problems for some testers could have been easily avoided, is the 3.7 GB version’s initial problem with Yoast. The problem existed, and there was information that Yoast would have an update in a few days that would solve the problem. But that information was not prominent, and was not placed before the user’s eyes when updating to the 3.7 version where this problem was (temporarily) introduced. If the user was made aware, or if the plugin could self detect the condition (of Yoast being installed), then the tester would have been saved any related trouble (which could have caused lost time and anxiety), and been able to do the update a few days later – trouble free.
c) Beta testing is good time to try out alternatives. This can be the way things are done, functions, user interaction. This means that if the tester is provided with options (if they choose) then they can report back which options worked best for them, or rate each option. This does not mean that these options will survive through to the production version, but it would help to find which of the methods is most likely to be optimal.
The comments above are not intended to give the impression that I have experienced any or all of these difficulties. I have read some of the reviews, and these thoughts may help improve the beta testing experience for a proportion of those testers who are presently not having the best of experiences.
Comments on version 3.8
1) The ‘commonly used blocks’ tool
a) This is located at the bottom of the editor page, but would be more useful if it floated at the bottom of the window, when viewing higher up a page (than at the bottom). This means that it will be available where ever the user is looking at, which is typically where the next block insertion point will be.
b) This needs to have a ‘tool bar’ type appearance, to help it be easily identified as a tool bar, rather several disjoint items that may (or may not) bear some relation to the insertion of blocks. This would help speed up the learning curve on this feature.
c) This tool could also be dragable, and during beta testing the user could be offered an option on how they would like to use this or where they would like it placed. This could become quite a useful feature.
2) Button Style
a) it would be handy to be able to use rectangular buttons, or rectangular buttons with smaller radius corners.
b) It would be handy to be able to control the ‘hover over’ colors and ‘depressed’ colors, for the background and fonts, of the button.
3) Font color picker
a) is difficult to exit, as it did not display an OK, Done, or Exit button.
b) The default light and dark colors, do not have many combinations that work well together. It is good that the warning about bad visibility comes up. A better choice of light and dark colors, would mean that most combinations would work.
A good indication of the usability of this feature would be to draw up a table of light and dark colors, and highlight the good bad and mediocre combinations. The combinations might also include two light colors, or two dark colors. If the table is mostly full of bad combinations, then the table (of suggested default colors) is bad, so find a better table of default colors.
Enlargement lens is not enlarging, just showing a circle. is there a setting I missed?
Or is this a bug?
I want to apply the two factor authentication function, to all users on the site (except obviously guests), but this should include the Subscribers role. When selecting any combination of the “All User Roles Subject To Two-Factor Authentication” feature, upon saving, it automatically resets back to subscribers unselected and the rest selected.
TL:DR “All User Roles Subject To Two-Factor Authentication” doesn’t save changes to selection
Thank you kindly in advance, you’ve done a great job with this plugin.