I hope someone can help me. When I share one of my blog posts on FB (through the royal addons’ sharing button widget or with directly on FB with the post’s URL) the featured image appear on the edition part, but after I post it the image disappears.
I read some of the topics that had similar problems and tried adding the image on YOAST SEO and also used de debug FB tool https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fauradigital.pt%2Fblog%2Fa-importancia-de-ter-uma-boa-presenca-online%2F
Everything seems fine to me. I don’t understand why the image isn’t showing after I post it on FB.
Thank you for the help you might get me!
]]>URL: https://azizcycle.com/
Kindly check the screenshots below:
Yoast Facebook Preview: https://prnt.sc/V6w5BOPmvM4Y
Source Page URL: https://prnt.sc/fVr7-BwamuIJ
Facebook Post: https://prnt.sc/Du6HIaBg05SS
I am going back in time when everything was simple and working, All in One SEO.
Sorry my fellow Dutchman
]]>All the new posts that I make are not shared correctly on Facebook. For example:
I have just created this post, and the og:image and canonical are not fetched by Facebook. I checked the Page Source, and these two meta tags are available, but Facebook is not fetching them. ( One post had similar behavior, but after 24-48 hours, the image and the correct canonical were fetched. )
What could be the issue?
]]>After updating the plugin Facebook and Twitter are no longer sharing images from newly published pages, as well as for some older posts.
This is the most recent post: https://www.urevolution.com/recovering-from-an-eating-disorder/ and the second most recent https://www.urevolution.com/what-does-it-mean-to-choose-our-own-bodies/
Using the Facebook Sharing Debugger app revealed the following:
“Warnings That Should Be Fixed
Inferred Property – The ‘og:image’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Missing Properties -The following required properties are missing: og:url, og:type, og:title, og:image, og:description, fb:app_id”
This same error message appeared for some of the older posts as well – https://www.urevolution.com/college-eating-disorders-recovery/ – but not for others https://www.urevolution.com/do-i-have-body-dysmorphia-or-am-i-just-fat/
]]>I would like an option in the Slim SEO settings to automatically pull the “featured image” of a post/page as the Facebook and Twitter image. If the post/page doesn’t have a featured image it should instead fall back to the basic settings (replacement Facebook/Twitter image set in Slim SEO settings).
Can this be done at the moment?
]]>I’m having a problem with a new post not showing the correct image in the og:image and not showing the twitter:image at all.
This is the post: https://randomtrip.es/guia-algarve/ (it’s very long and has loads of pictures, if that may have an impact with the issue)
The post has this image set as featured image: https://randomtrip.es/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/x-portada-sete-vales-suspensos-carvalho-praia.jpg
But the og:image is linking to the logo (the default image I’ve setup)
I’ve tried configuring the image directly in the Social tab in Yoast (inside the post), but nothing changed.
Checking directly on the database, I can see that there are weird things in the wp_yoast_indexable table:
Any clues of what might be happening?
]]>It’s added to the settings, but doesn’t show up when sharing on Facebook. The domain is verified and an Facebook app is created.
Could it be that something broke in the latest update?
I have added a preferred picture for my blog post to be used as a Facebook image when sharing (in the Yoast plugin). However, when sharing a link on Facebook, it shows a generic image (boat) – not the one I added via the plugin (man in the harbour).
What could I be doing wrong?