This page contains the following errors:
error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
Despite this, the exclusive Google News sitemap continues to function normally
]]>I would like to put these two widgets shown on the picture below, but i can’t find the place where i could chose them to put there, help needed
The url is
]]>I wonder if i could add my own page at the frontpage as below…
I really hope it can be done…
Or can i add the extra content there using page builder?
And also, can i add menu title to the menu in responsive mode as below sample…
Thank you…
]]>Im trying to do this for couple of hours already…
After read some posts i still can’t do it.
So, I just want to put some text with background in the main page, between the posts home page (I’ve selected to show in main page latest post) and the footer.
My idea is put text or a button with link for contact.
I would apreciate all your help, thanks.
]]>[yasr_visitor_votes size="small"]
), and refreshing the page, I see some things added at the bottom of the post:
– Title
– Sub title
– Mention of ‘Writty by…’
– Mention of average vote value
– Mention of number of votes
You can check it here: