I have this problem only new as when going through all the process in the Multistep form it should open the PayPal page but it doesn’t, instead it will stock on the loading view of the Multistep form.
Need help to know the cause of this as I tried everything from my server and WordPress side.
]]>Thanks you for creating this awesome extension for WordPress to do Split Test. It is the best I had used and most user-friendly.
I am testing this to the next level to setup Microsoft Ads tracking so that I can track which one is converting.
I need help to input tracking code because I didnt get any error from Microsoft Ads.
Do I need to input the entire tracking URL (including ‘alt=’ ) for the tracking to work.
Which tracking URL to use?
https://prnt.sc/1503kpu (picture attached)
https://xyz.com/split-test-for-elementor/v1/tests/1/track-conversion/ alt=””
Thanks you in advanace : )`
]]>Optionally on the small screen device I would have a link to that page with the full text, like this: https://www.christophersproat.com/tron/
Is that something you could help me code in CSS? Or possibly some js logic too?
thanks again.
]]>I would like to sell tickets to a thing. These tickets can be purchased at an outside custom site that I can link directly to the buy page where people select details and purchase the ticket.
Unfortunately that custom site has a VERY painful turnaround for changes, and getting them to add a “back to kytacular’s awesome wordpress site here!” button at the end of the process is going to be equivalent to pulling teeth.
The page is secure, everything’s https, I’m just wondering how I could display the ticket purchasing page in part or in whole within my own wordpress page, if that’s possible. This is not a very large company with an existing API for this purpose.
If this has been answered before, I would be more than satisfied with a link to a previous entry for it. As I stated, I was unable to find one in my searches.
Thank you for any assistance you may be able to render.
]]>What if my External Page isn’t loading
If your external page isn’t working with the normal or legacy method, then you can try using the “iFrame method.” There are two ways to use the iframe method.
Add the class iframe to your modal-link to selectively use the iframe method
Turn on the iframe method in the plugin settings to make all external links use the iframe method.
Are there any other options?
Aloha D
]]>I have an indirect problem using this plugin though. I’m using WC Vendors and they have a frontend product-edit page for vendors. I want to enable the custom field I created using this plugin to be visible to my vendors as they are restricted from using the admin panel.
I’m trying one way where I have created a custom field in the WCVendors frontend page and I want to link the changes made to the custom field in the frontend page to the custom field I created in WCFF, so that when vendors update the field, the field in WCFF is also updated and displayed on the product page correctly.
However now I’m stuck because I can’t find the meta id of my WCFF field to link to, and I’m wondering if I’m using the right method in the first place. Would you kindly point me in the right direction? I will share my code if needed. I know this is not specifically your plugin’s problem but I’d appreciate if you could help! Thanks so much!
]]>I love using your Tabs solution, however I am stuck with a problem.
If I load my webpage with the anchor code as required (#ert_pane1-1) it makes the page jump to the anchor (the tab) with the tab called open.
Is there any way to link to a tab directly from another page on my site but it loads the webpage at the top of the page with the relevant tab open?
Many thanks in advance